- V. Muccifora, Photoabsorption on bound nucleons in the resonance region,
Workshop on N* physics and non perturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, May 18-29, 1998.
- V. Mokeev et al., Description of two pion production on proton by real and
virtual photons in N* region,
Workshop on N* physics and non perturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, May 18-29, 1998
- M. Ripani, Baryon resonances in the double pion channel at Jefferson Lab
experimental and physics status and prespectives,
Workshop on N* physics and non perturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, May 18-29, 1998.
- G.Ricco and S.Simula, Longitudinal and transverse structure functions of proton
and deuteron at large x,
International Workshop on JLab: Physics and Instrumentation with 6-12 GeV beams, Jefferson
Lab (Newport News, USA), June, 15-18, 1998.
- G. Ricco, M. Anghinolfi, M. Ripani, M. Taiuti and S. Simula, Bloom-Gilman
duality of the nucleon structure function and the elastic peak contribution,
XVI European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Autrans, France, July, 1998.
- V. Muccifora and M. Mirazita, Total hadronic photoabsorption on nuclei in the
0.5-2.6 GeV energy range,
International Nuclear Physics Conference, Paris, France, August 24-29, 1998.
- V. Muccifora and M. Mirazita, Total hadronic photoabsorption on nuclei,
International Conference on Meson and Light Nuclei, Prague-Pruhonice, August 31-Sept. 4,
- M. Ripani, Baryon resonances in the two pion electroproducion with CLAS,
15th Student's workshop on electromagnetic interactions, Bosen, Sept. 6-11, 1998, Germany.
- F. Ronchetti, Deuteron photodisintegration at high energy at TJNAF,
15th Student's workshop on electromagnetic interactions, Bosen, Sept. 6-11, 1998, Germany.
- N.Bianchi, Absorption strenght in photon induced reactions, 8th
International Conference on the Structure of Barions (BARYONS'98), Bonn, Germany,
- M. Battaglieri for the CLAS collaboration, Preliminary angular distribution in
Pi0 electroproduction in the Delta region at Q^2 higher then 0.5 GeV^2/c^2,
8th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (BARYONS'98), Bonn, Germany,
Sept. 22-26, 1998.
- N.Bianchi, Nuclear medium effects in photoabsorption measurement,
37th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, Jan. 25-30, 1999.
- R. De Vita, The target stick for the EG1 experiment at CEBAF,
American Physical Society Meeting, Atlanta, USA, April 1999.
- M. Taiuti for the CLAS collaboration, First preliminary results from CLAS,
2nd International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy, May
10-14, 1999.
- M. Ripani, Two pion electroproduction with the CLAS detector at TJNAF,
PANIC'99, Uppsala, Sweden, June 10-16,1999.
- M. Ripani,
Clustering phenomena in Nuclear Physics, Dubna, Apr., 1999
- M. Anghinolfi, The polarized target for Hall B at TJNAF,
Workshop on polarized source and target, Erlangen, Germany, September 1999.
- M. Taiuti, The N* program at CLAS,
16th Student workshop on electromagnetic interactions, Bosen, Sept. 5-10, Germany,1999
- M. Battaglieri, Photoproduction of vector meson at high t,
Electromagnetic interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Probing hadrons and nuclei at
higher energies, Santorini, Greece, Oct. 5-10, 1999.
- M. Mirazita, Evidence of shadowing effects in nuclear photoadsorption at 1-2 GeV,
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Probing hadrons ad nuclei at higher
energies, Santorini, Greece, Oct. 5-10, 1999.
- E. De Sanctis,
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Probing hadrons ad nuclei at higher
energies, Santorini, Greece, Oct. 5-10, 1999
- M. Taiuti
Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei, Probing hadrons ad nuclei at higher
energies, Santorini, Greece, Oct. 5-10, 1999
- R. De Vita,
NSTAR 2000, The Physics of the excited nucleus, Newport News, Feb. 2000
- M. Ripani,
NSTAR 2000, The Physics of the excited nucleus, Newport News, Feb. 2000
- M. Battaglieri,
Hadronic Physics with photon beams, Adelaide, Feb. 2000
- M. Battaglieri,
Int. Conf. On Quark and Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Feb. 2000
- E. De Sanctis,
NuPECC meeting, Lisbona, March 1999
- M. Taiuti,
Baryon Excitations, Julich, May 2000
- R. De Vita,
Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and the nucleon spin structure in the
resonance region,
Mainz June, 2000
- M. Anghinolfi,
Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and the nucleon spin structure in the
resonance region,
Mainz June, 2000
- M. Ripani,
9th Inter. Conf. On Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, June 2000
- M. Battaglieri,
Clustering Phenomena in Nuclear Physics, S. Pietroburgo, June 2000
- M. Taiuti,
LXXXVI Congresso Nazionale SIF, Palermo, Oct. 2000
- M. Taiuti,
VIII Convegno su Problemi di Fisica Nucleare Teorica, Cortona, Ott. 2000
- M. Ripani,
Workshop on Relativistic Dynamics and Hadron Structure, Trento, Nov. 2000
- E. De Sanctis , N. Bianchi e V. Muccifora, su Nucl. Phys. A666&667,
proc. of the Wokshop NUCLEON99: The Structure of te Nucleon in Frascati, June 7-9,
- F. Ronchetti, Deuteron photodisintegration at high energy in the
framework of the Quark Gluon String model and the Regge phenomenology
Roma, Università di Roma III, Dec. 11, 2000
Last update Wednesday, February 28, 2001 by