Example of the input batch file to run GenBOS:
2| I12 | ICIBLE=0 neutron; =1 proton |
| | =2 deuteron as a target |
2| I12 | IBEAM=0, gaussian, =2 Bremsstrahlung =3 uniform |
1.500 | F12.3 | ETAG, mean gamma energy (GeV) |
0.300 | F12.3 | FWHM, width of gamma energy distribution (GeV) |
.true.| L12 | CMSF, momenta in CMS (true) or in LAB. (false) |
3 | I12 | TARGTYPE=0 point,=1 cyl. |
2.0 | F12.3 | TARG_R target radius (cm) |
10.0 | F12.3 | TARG_L total target length (cm) |
----------| 40I3 | ICHAIN number of ch. to be included (next 2 lines) |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
------------------------ end of ICHAIN ----------------------------------
05000| I12 | NSTATIS total number of events |
.false.| L12 | NO_NT_OUT no rzn out file |
.false.| L12 | NO_BOS_OUT no bos out file |
You can choose the following options in the first column:
- the target index ICIBLE, for proton, neutron or deuteron;
- the photon energy, extracted between (ETAG-FWHM) and (ETAG+FWHM), with three different
distributions setting IBEAM;
- the interaction vertex, setting the index TARG_TYPE
for TARG_TYPE=0 the interaction vertex is 0
for TARG_TYPE=1 the interaction vertex is uniformly extracted in a cylinder with length
TARG_L and radius TARG_R
for TARG_TYPE=2 the interaction vertex is uniformly extracted in a volume with shape like
the CLAS target 'cuivre' (a cylinder with a spherical endcap) with total length TARG_L and
radius TARG_R
for TARG_TYPE=3 the interaction vertex is uniformly extracted in a volume with shape like
the CLAS target 'cigare' (a cylinder with two spherical endcaps) with total length TARG_L
and radius TARG_R
- the reference system for outgoing particles, setting CMSF
.false. --> laboratory system, in wich target is at rest
.true. --> center of mass of photon-target system
- the active reaction channels, setting in the ICHAIN vector index the
corresponding channel number from the list above. For instance,
if you are interested in the rho0 photoproduction on deuteron,
you can select only the channels 11,14 and 35 setting
35 11 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The only important limitations are that 40 numbers must be fed putting the rigth numbers
of 00 and that no 00 must be put between selected channel numbers.
- the number NSTATIS of hadronic events to be generated, keeping in mind that a run with
150000 events takes 2-4 Gb for the HBOOK file and 7-10 Gb for the BOS file (see below) and
that the speed is about 1M of events/hour on a intel Pentium II 300 MHz processor
- the output files: setting TRUE the variable NO_BOS_OUT (NO_NT_OUT) the BOS (RZN) file
will not be created.
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