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General information for external users of the Research Division

Access to LNF

Visitors at their arrival will be given a provisional visitor badge at the main INFN entrance. An identification document is required. Access up to 5 working days is allowed to invited visitors who will not conduct any working activity at LNF and will not use any service or infrastructure.

Registration as LNF Guest (Hospitality)

In order to conduct a working or studying activity at LNF, external users are required to:

  1. fill the following web form (only new INFN users):

    https://iam.infn.it/NuovaAnagrafica/priv form (INFN Identity and Access Management System)
    NB: in the field "INFN Contact Person Email" write the email address of the secretary of your local host group (see Secretariat)

  2. contact the Secretariat of the local host group in order to provide the following documents:
declaration/nullaosta FORM (facsimile nullaosta) a declaration by the home Institute about the employement status (not required for INFN fellows) and the permission to study/work at LNF for a specified period.
working activity authorization request FORM (richiesta di autorizzazione a svolgere attività lavorativa nei LNF) to be filled by the user and by the LNF group leader
radioprotection form - guests FORM (scheda di radioprotezione ospiti) - to be printed on both sides to be filled by the user and by the LNF group leader. NOT required if the activity does not implies ionizing radiation risks and for INFN personnel. See below (*)
radioprotection form - association FORM (scheda di radioprotezione per dipendenti e associati) - to be printed in A3 size, on both sides to be filled by the user and by the LNF group leader only in case of association at LNF (**)
working destination form form (scheda di destinazione lavorativa) to be filled by the user and by the LNF group leader
copy of passport or id card  

(*) Employees and associated of other INFN units must always provide a copy of the radioprotection form filled in the INFN Unit to which they belong.

(**) The association role gives the possibility to take part in the institute activities and to benefit of INFN facilities and economic support. Information about how to apply for the association are available here.

If the hospitality is expired within the last 12 months it can be reactivated on request of the local group leader and by providing a new nullaosta (if expired). Otherwise, it will be necessary to submit a new request by providing the documents listed above.

The registration is processed by the Users Office.

The registration as LNF guest must be done immediately in order to use the LNF facilities and to get remunerations if provided. The guest position generally expires at the end of each year and can be renewed by providing a new nulla-osta, on request of the local group leader.

Furthermore, foreigners must have complied with the Italian immigration and visa requirements.


After completion of the above procedure users have to apply for the LNF badge at the General Service Office (Protocollo) of the Central Administration (Mr. G. Orlandi/Mr. S. Cerroni, ph. 0694032204, Bldg. N. 30, ground floor, Mon-Fri h. 10:30-11:30). The visitor badge must be returned to the guards.

Users can check their registration by querying the LNF phonebook or the External Users database.

Safety and Radioprotection

Users are requested to acquire proper information on safety and emergency procedures available on the Saftey Sevice web page and to watch the following safety information video. Information about radioprotection can be found here.

Access to the laboratory after the normal working hours

To have access to the Labs after the normal working time and during the weekends users, as well as LNF employees, need to be authorized by the Head of the Division/Service to which they belong.

Permit of stay

Foreigners from non-European countries, who stay in Italy for more than 3 months must apply for a "permesso di soggiorno" (Permit of stay), within 8 days from their arrival. The application can be done at the local Postal Office (see also portale immigrazione). It is necessary to provide:

  • application form (available at the Post Offices);
  • valid passport or other equivalent travel document (if required, also a visa) and a copy of it;
  • 4 passport-size photographs;
  • one revenue stamp ("marca da bollo") of 14,62 €, (only people coming from outside the Shengen area. It can be bought at the Tobacconist's shops)
  • a "Declaration" by LNF (released by the Visitor Office)

Copy of the receipt, and afterwards copy of the permit of stay, must be given urgently to the Users' Office.

Foreigners who stay in Italy for less than 3 months must fill a declaration to be presented to the Police Station of Rome (Questura - Ufficio Immigrazione), within 8 days from their arrival.
This declaration is not required for:
1. foreigners arriving directly from a country which don't apply the Schengen agreement, since in this case their presence in Italy is certified by the stamp put on the travel document by the border police;
2. foreigners lodging in a hotel, since the declaration of presence will be provided by the hotel (if accommodated in the lnf guest house ask information to the Visitor's office).


Guest house

Internet access

  • To get an account on the LNF Unix Machines users must have completed the hospitality procedure. To apply for the account they are requested to fill a form on the Computing Service Web site.
  • To get access to internet users must authenticate. They can use EDUROAM credentials; otherwise they may apply for LNF credentials here. After registration they must send an email to divric_segreteria@lnf.infn.it. For more information see Accesso a Internet.


  • Users may have lunches at the LNF Canteen. INFN/EU fellows and FAI (Fondo Affari Internazionali) scholars are authorized to have meals showing their badge. Other users can pay for the meals to the canteen (ticket full-rate is about 7 €). The canteen is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Other services

  • To have an account at the LNF Stockroom guests must be authorized by their group leader.
  • To get payments (remuneration or reimbursement) from LNF and to open an account in a Bank an Italian fiscal code ("codice fiscale") is needed. The LNF administration will take care of submitting the request to the Italian Revenue Agency. Payments will be done by bank transfers. Cash payments are not allowed.
  • The Laboratory has an internal mail service. The mail boxes, inside the HEP bldg. (36B), are at the ground floor.
  • The LNF Library is open 24 hours per day (HEP bldg., 36B , ground floor).
  • For other information about the Labs and about transportations see also General Information and General services.