   Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFN, Roma, Italy

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QCD in extreme conditions
6th - 8th August 2007

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Organizing Committee| Topics Previous editions



Extreme QCD 2007 - the V workshop on QCD in Extreme Conditions - will be held from the August 6 to August 8, 2007 at the INFN Laboratory of Frascati (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati), on the outskirts of Rome. The workshop is scheduled as a follow-up of the Lattice2007 Symposium in Regensburg.

In the spirit of all previous editions, the workshop aims at bringing together people active in different aspects of the QCD phases, and phase transitions. All sessions will be plenary. Office space and small meeting rooms will be available upon request from till August 10.

Organizing Commettee freccia

G. Herdoiza, M.P. Lombardo, L. Maiani, A. Polosa, V. Riquer, G.C. Rossi, A. Vladikas


D. Pierluigi


Topics will include: freccia

Lattice Monte Carlo Results
Hamiltonian Lattice QCD
Strong Coupling Analysis
The Search for the Critical Endpoint
Heavy Quarks at High Temperature
Strongly Interacting Quark Gluon Plasma
Polyakov Models, NJL Models, and Polyakov Extended NJL Models
High Temperature Expansions
Random Matrix Models
Phases of Wilson Fermions
Large Nc QCD
Large Nf QCD and Exotic Phases of Strong Interactions

Invited Speakers (last update July 21)   freccia

Andrei Alexandru (Lexington)
Alexander Andrianov (Barcelona)
Vicente Azcoiti (Zaragoza)
Francesco Basile (Pisa)
Tomas Brauner (Rez)
Shailesh Chandrasekharan (Duke)
Michael Creutz (BNL)
Attilio Cucchieri (Sao Carlos)
Poul Damgaard (Niels Bohr)
Massimo D'Elia (Genova)
Dennis Dean Dietrich (Heidelberg)
Philippe de Forcrand (CERN/ETH)
Francesco Di Renzo (Parma)
Shinji Ejiri (Tokyo) 
Domenec Espriu (Barcelona)
Antonio Garcia Garcia (Princeton)
Holger Gies (Heidelberg)
Simon Hands (Swansea)
Yoshimasa Hidaka (New York)
Frithjof Karsch (BNL)
Noboru Kawamoto (Hokkaido)
Rajiv Gavai (TIFR, Mumbai)
Sourendu Gupta (TIFR, Mumbai)
Rajan Gupta (Los Alamos)
Yoshimasa Hidaka (BNL)
Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (Berlin)
Sandor Katz (DESY)
Seyong Kim (Seoul)
Karl Koller (Munich)
Helmut Kroger (Laval)
Edwin Laermann (Bielefeld)
Yu Maezawa (Tokyo)
Tereza Mendes (Sao Carlos)
Yannick Meurice (Iowa)
Kohtaroh Miura (Hokkaido)

Atsushi Nakamura (Hiroshima)
Rajamani Narayanan (FSU)
Mehmet Oktay (Dublin)
Fabrizio Palumbo (LNF)
Peter Petreczki (BNL)
Konstantin Petrov (Niels Bohr)
Kari Rummukainen (Oulu)
Sinead Ryan(Dublin)
Christian Schmidt (BNL)
Don Sinclair (ANL)
Jon-Ivar Skullerud (Dublin)
Kim Splittorff (Nordita)
Misha Stephanov (UIC)
Benjamin Svetitsky (Tel Aviv)
Takashi Umeda (Tsukuba)
Anastassios Vladikas (Roma)
Aleksi Vuorinen (Seattle)
Chaehyun Yu (Seoul)

Previous editions: freccia

Nara, 2003 (Lattice 2003, Tsukuba)
Argonne, 2004 (Lattice 2004, FNAL)
Swansea, 2005 (Lattice 2005, Trinity College, Dublin)
Brookhaven, 2006 (Lattice 2006,Tucson)


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