VULCANO 2006: INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE AUTHORS Dear Colleague, Since we had unpleasant long delays in publishing the proceedings of the previous editions of the workshop, we strongly recommend and ask to participants to strictly respect the following instructions: 1) The DEAD LINE is fixed at 31st July 2006. 2) NUMBER OF PAGES: Papers corresponding to talks > = 30 minutes: 12 pages. Papers corresponding to talks < 30 minutes: 8 pages. The fixed number of pages MUST be strictly respected. 3) Papers MUST BE NAMED as follows: authorname_2006_0n.tex where: n = number of paper = 1,2, ? m = number of figures = 1,2,3, ? The files MUST BE SENT as attachment in a unique file to: 4) The MACRO for preparing the camera-ready papers are available in our WEB page. For your convenience you can use the example of a paper available in our WEB page. In such an example you can find all the possible problems solved, namely: figures (individual and multiple), tables, formulae, and format of Sections, Subsections, Subsubsections, suggestions for the references and finally the format for the DISCUSSION. The DISCUSSION MUST BE inserted directly in the paper(s) by the authors, following the format. 5) The proceedings will be published, as usual, in the Proceedings Series of the Italian Physical Society and edited by F. Giovannelli & G. Mannocchi. 6) The papers included in this proceedings must be cited as: Black, W., White, B., Green, Y.: 2007, in Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, F. Giovannelli & G. Mannocchi (eds.), Italian Physical Society, Editrice Compositori, Bologna, Italy (in press) When the book will be printed, please use instead of (in press): XXX, PPP. XXX = No. of the volume, still unknown PPP = No. of the page, still unknown.