General Info
The ICFA mini-workshop on "Frontiers of Short Bunches in Storage Rings" will be held at the Frascati National
Laboratories on 7-8 November 2005.
Shorter and shorter bunches are pursued both at synchrotron radiation facilities for time-resolved experiments and CSR emission and at particle factories in order to reduce the beta* at the Interaction Point.
The scope of the workshop is to discuss:
-techniques for obtaining very short bunches in e+e- colliders and synchrotron light sources and the related issues (small/negative alfa-c; crab cavities, slicing, strong RF focusing);
-limiting effects (bunch lengthening, dynamic aperture, lifetime);
-short bunch diagnostics.
Participants are invited to register via web using the online Registration
A registration fee of 100,00 Euros, as contribution to the workshop organization, must be paid cash at the Registration Desk (no advance payment,
no checks, no credit cards).
- to/from INFN-LNF -
PAPER SUBMISSION: 24 September 2005
14 October 2005
ACCOMMODATION: 14 October 2005
Caterina Biscari *
John Byrd, LBL
Mario Calvetti * (LNF Director)
Alessandro Drago *
Alessandro Gallo *
Andrew Hutton, JLAB
Evgenii Levichev, BINP
Fabio Marcellini *
Catia Milardi *
Sasha Novokhatski, SLAC
Katsunobu Oide, KEK
Boris Podobedov, NSLS
Miro Andrea Preger *
Francesco Ruggiero, CERN
Claudio Sanelli *
Mario Serio * (Chairman)
Alexander Temnykh, CESR
Godehard Wüstefeld, BESSY-II
Mikhail Zobov *