
M.J. Duff (Imperial Coll., London) Black holes, qubits and the Fano plane

S. Ferrara (CERN & INFN-LNF) Extremal black-holes and attractors in D=4 and D=5 supergravity

M. Günaydin (Penn. State Univ.) to be announced

P. Levay (Budapest Univ.) Black Holes, Attractors and Multipartite Entanglement

T. Mohaupt (Liverpool Univ.) From special geometry to black hole partition functions

S.P. Trivedi (Tata Inst. of Fund. Res., Mumbai) Non-supersymmetric attractors, part I, II and III

A. Zichichi (Univ. Bologna & CERN) Complexity at a fundamental level

Prof. A. Zichichi: "Complexity at a fundamental level"

3.00 pm, 19 June, 2007

ENEA Frascati, Room F50

Via E. Fermi, 45