XVIII Physics in Collision
Three-Day Plenary Session Conference

Frascati, June 17-19,1998 

General Information

The annual Physics in Collision International Conferences have attained a unique character over the years. During the three days of plenary sessions, invited speakers give an exhaustive but concise updating of the key topics in elementary particle physics, with the aim of encouraging informal discussions on experimental results and their implications.

The XVIII edition of Physics in Collision, sponsored by the INFN and the National Laboratories of Frascati, will be held from the 17th to the 19th of June, 1998 in the small historical town of Frascati, located about 20 km south-east of Rome. 

On the opening day, the conference sessions will be held in the auditoriun of the High-Energy Building of the Laboratories; the remaining sessions of the conference will be hosted in the lecture hall of the residence of the Aldobrandini family in Frascati.

The INFN Laboratories of Frascati are well known by the scientific community for having housed the first electron-positron storage ring, ADA. 
In 1997 the conference in Bristol celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the pion discovery. In 1998 at Frascati, the beginning of data taking at the new high-intensity collider DAFNE will be celebrated.

Frascati itself is famous for its wine production, its scenic beauty and its historical remains dating back to the Roman times.  
The Villa Aldobrandini is a magnificent XVII-century family residence designed by the architect Giacomo della Porta.

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- Conference Events
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- Social Life in Frascati
- Travel to Frascati
- Weather during Conference
- Laboratories at a Glance
- Laboratories & other maps
- Villa Aldobrandini
- Villa Campitelli
- Conference Poster
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- Useful Links:
       Pic97 Transparencies
       Forthcoming Conferences

- Tourist Links:
       Comune di Roma (Italian)
       Rome city net
       Rome and Vatican Museum
       Frascati e dintorni (Italian)

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- Nov-27-97
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- Mar-11-98

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- Nov-27-97
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- Jan-19-98
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- Nov-27-97

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