Memorial lectures
The Bruno Touschek Memorial Lectures were established in 1987 to honor the life and works of Bruno Touschek. The Lectures will now be continued with distinguished scientists lecturing on important innovative research topics and historical perspectives.
11:00 Mario Calvetti (LNF Director): Welcome
11:15 Giorgio Salvini (La Sapienza Univ.): How it all started
11:30 Carlo Bernardini (La Sapienza Univ.): AdA and other adventures with Touschek
12:00 Mario Greco (Roma Tre Univ.): Bruno Touschek and the Bloch Nordsieck problem: resummation in QED/QCD
12:30 Claudio Pellegrini (UCLA): Instruments of discovery: from Adone to the X-ray free-electron laser
13:30 Buffet Nuovo Centro Servizi
14:30 Emilio Picasso (CERN): From AdA to LEP
15:15 Nicola Cabibbo (La Sapienza Univ.): Chiral Symmetry and Partice Physics
16:30 Refreshments
Maddalena Legramante
Tel. +39 06 94032791 - Fax +39 06 94032900
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
December 9th, 2009