In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics 
Frascati (Italy), 
May 16th - 20th, 2005


Participants will be housed at the Hotel Villa Mercede (2km from LNF and Frascati) (see registration).

Rooms are booked from 15th to 21st of May. From Monday to Friday, there will be transportation to and from the Lab to the Villa Mercede every morning and in the evening, at the end of sessions.

Other bookings in the Frascati area or in Rome can be done by participants themselves or, upon request, by the secretariat. A list of hotels in Frascati, with their rates, can be found at the web site of LNF (click here).

All the partecipants who need accomodation are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible.