In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics 
Frascati (Italy), 
May 16th - 20th, 2005

R. Jaffe, "Theoretical overview of multiquark states";


I.      General overview

A.      Historical overview
        a.      Definition of exotic:  flavor and CP
        b.      History of searches for exotics
        c.      State of affairs in 2003:  absence of exotics & extra scalar nonet

B.      The Theta (2003-2005) requiescat in pace?
        a.      Definition, quantum numbers, and significance
        b.      Very brief review of history and experiments
        c.      Summary of negative evidence

C.      Models of hadrons and exotics --- once over quickly
        a.      Quark models and chiral soliton models
        b.      Implications of the death of the Theta for models

II.     Quarks and Diquarks

A.      Introduction
        a.      Naive quark model
        b.      Spectroscopy versus dynamics
B.      Correlations and spectroscopy:  the case for diquarks
        a.      Correlations in QCD
        b.      Spectroscopy, Delta I=1/2, hadron spin splittings
        c.      Distribution and fragmentation function regularities, higher twist
        d.      Defining and extracting the properties of diquarks
E.      A coherent qualitative picture  of multiquark hadrons
        a.      Diquarks and the general absence of exotics
        b.      Where, if anywhere, to find multiquark hadrons
        c.      Multiquark hadrons and scattering

II.    Aspects of Multiquark Dynamics

A.      The colorspin dynamics of equivalent particles in QCD.
        a.      "Hund's" rules for QCD
                Calculational tricks and spin-spin forces
        b.      Diquarks versus perturbation theory

B.      The scalar mesons as a case in point
        a.      In perturbative QCD
        b.      Diquark model
        c.      Spectrum
        d.      The need for a dynamical model

C.      Multiquark hadrons and scattering.
        a.      Discussion:  what kind of object is a quark model eigenstate?
                K-matrix poles, R-matrix poles, P-matrix poles
        b.      Unitarization and the quark content of a state
        c.      How are resonances generated?
                i.      N/D and potential resonances
                ii.     Feshbach-Fano resonances


R. L. Jaffe, "Exotica",
    Phys. Rept.  409, 1 (2005),  Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.  142, 343 (2005) [arXiv:hep-ph/0409065].