/// Apologies in advance if you receive this more than once /// /// (or indeed if you would rather not receive such emails at all) /// Dear Collegue, on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, I am pleased to inform you that the XVII LNF Spring School "Bruno Touschek" in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/lnfss/14/ will take place at the INFN National Laboratories in Frascati, Italy, from Monday, May 12th to Friday, May 16th, 2014. ____________________________________________________________________ PLEASE, CIRCULATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WITH YOUR COLLEGUES AND STUDENTS. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The School is directed to graduate students, post-graduate and post-doctoral fellows in theoretical and experimental high energy physics. The 2014 edition of the School includes six sets of lectures on selected theoretical and experimental topics, two discussion sessions, and one Special Lecture in Science and Technology. Jointly with the XVII LNF Spring School, the 4th Young Researchers Workshop: "Physics Challenges in the LHC Era" will take place on May 12th and 15th, afternoon. The aim of the Workshop is to give to young researches the opportunity togive a presentation and discuss with their colleagues results of their research work. Contributions to the workshop will be published in the YRW Proceedings. Graduate students, post-graduate and post-doctoral fellows planning to participate in the School, are strongly encouraged to apply to give a presentation of their research work in the Workshop. A selection committee, composed by members of the Local Organizing Committee, will select the contributions of highest scientific level. Acceptance to present a contribution in the Young Researcher Workshop should be regarded as a significative accomplishment. APPLICATIONS TO PRESENT CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE WORKSHOP MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 31, 2014. (Later applications could be considered only in case of time availability). Applications to give a presentation in the Young Researchers Workshop must include * scientific/academic curriculum, including research interests * one reference letter from their supervisor * the title and a short abstract of the presentation to be sent to: enrico.nardi@lnf.infn.it, with copy to school@lnf.infn.it. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: ================== Limited funds are available for participants in need of financial support, in the form of Fellowships that can cover part of the school expenses (accommodation and reduced registration fee). To be eligible for Fellowships, participants must have applied and been accepted to give a presentation in the Young Researchers Workshop. Scientific Program and Lecturers ================================ LECTURES -------- * COLLIDER PHYSICS: o Particle Physics after LHC 8 - Abdelhak Djouadi (Orsay, LPT) o High Energy Physics perspectives after LHC Run 2 - Patrick Janot (CERN) * COSMOLOGY: o Cosmology after Planck - Nicola Bartolo (Padova U.) o Cosmological Surveys - Will Percival (ICG, Portsmouth) * NEUTRINO PHYSICS: o Neutrinos: Theory and Phenomenology - Eligio Lisi (INFN- Bari) o Neutrino Experiments - Michel Sorel (IFIC/CSIC, Valencia U.) SPRING COLLOQUIUM ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY * Quantum Information and Quantum Computation David P. DiVincenzo Director, Institute for Quantum Information, RWTH Aachen, Germany Institute of Theoretical Nanoelectronics, Research Center Jülich, Germany For the detailed program schedule, see http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/lnfss/14/program.php REGISTRATION ============ * The Spring School registration fee is 150€ that should be paid in cash upon arrival at the Registration Desk (checks and credit cards cannot be accepted). The costs of lunches and of the conference dinner are covered by the registration fee. * No registration fee is required for undergraduate students. (However, additional costs as participation to the excursion and to the conference dinner will be charged apart). * A reduced fee of 70€ will be applied to those Young Researchers Workshop speakers awarded with a Fellowship (see below). ACCOMMODATION ============= Accommodation can be arranged through the School organization in nearby hotels at discounted rates: * Hotel Villa Mercede. Single room: 75€ About 1 km from LNF (a shuttle bus to LNF will be available). * Hotel Antica Colonia. Single room: 80€ Double room: 90€ Walking distance from LNF. * LNF Guest House. Single room: 25€ (Only a limited number of places). Please contact the School secretary at school@lnf.infn.it. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION TO THE SHOOL: March 31st, 2014 For inquiries and informations, please send an e-mail to school@lnf.infn.it; enrico.nardi@lnf.infn.it Sincerely, Enrico Nardi LNF-Spring School Director