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The XII LNF Spring School in Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle
Physics will take place at INFN
National Laboratories in Frascati, Italy, from
14th to 18th of May, 2007.
Area Map [including Frascati down-town, Villa Mercede (School
Hotel) and INFN Laboratories]
Frascati National Laboratories are located 30 Km Southeast of
Rome, near the town of Frascati and host the DAFNE
electron-positron collider, as shown in this picture. This
building housed until 1993 the ADONE
e+e- collider, in which the production of the J/y
was observed in 1974. ADONE followed the steps of the
first e+e- collider ADA
which was built in Frascati in 1961 from an original idea of Bruno
School is directed to graduate students, post-graduate and
post-doctoral fellows.
2007 edition of the School will be mainly devoted to theoretical
and experimental developments on Flavour and Hadron
physics in the wake of LHC commissioning.
A limited number of fellowships is
available on deserving students. Please send
your cv and two reference letters by the end of April to
For details click here.