INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy | October 20-29, 2015 |
The Calorimeter’s Laboratory is organized in order to propose different technologies and applications. The structure of the laboratories is as follow:
Particle flow calorimeter reconstruction with CALICE test beam events and simulated jets (K. Krüger (DESY), H. Lan Tran (DESY), A. Provenza (DESY), F. Sefkow (DESY))
The exercise uses graphical event displays and interactive reconstruction algorithms, it involves some simple statistical analysis, but does not require specific computing skills. The students scan test beam events recorded with a highly granular prototype calorimeter and study energy dependence and fluctuations of electromagnetic and hadronic showers. They will be guided through interactive particle flow analysis of complex simulated collider events.
Test of SIPMs as readout of scintillating tiles connected to WLS fibers (S. Miscetti, I. Sarra)
Assembly of a basic polarization circuit for SIPM and their test as readout of scintillating tiles connected to WLS fibers.
Study of Gain and dark noise of the devices with a Camac readout.
Test of different kind of crystals (S. Miscetti, I. Sarra)
The activity consists of the wrapping of crystals of different kind (CsI(pure), BaF2 and LYSO) and insertion in a manual test facility to measure the light yield and the response uniformity of the crystals. The readout will be done with a digitizer at 1 Gs/s in order to show the differences of the time emission spectra of the different crystals under test.
Data taking at the electron beam of BTF with LYSO+APD matrix prototype (S. Miscetti, I. Sarra)
The activity consists of a data taking at the electron beam of BTF to determine energy and time resolution of a high performance LYSO+APD matrix prototype.