“Channeling 2008” Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena
October 25 - November 1, 2008 Erice (Trapani - Sicily), Italy
organized by
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
in cooperation with HADRON PHYSICS I3 - EU Project CARE HHH - CERN, Switzerland LPI RAS - P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Russia
The "Channeling" (International Conference on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena) series are the conferences devoted to new developments in the field of coherent and incoherent scattering of hadrons and leptons (protons, ions, electrons, muons and related antiparticles) in solid structures of various periodicities from the viewpoint of both fundamental studies and applications. The first meetings of the series: "Channeling 2004" and "Channeling 2006" - were organized by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) at the National Laboratories of Frascati (LNF). The proceedings of the conferences were issued by SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering (Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5974 and Vol. 6634) and includes the reports to the conferences. The 3rd conference of the series - “Channeling 2008” – will be organized within the INFN ELOISATRON (ELN) project as the 51st Workshop.
Electromagnetic radiation by relativistic electrons and positrons traversing periodic targets, such as coherent bremsstrahlung, channeling radiation, transition radiation, parametric X-radiation, etc., representing variety of processes of classical/quantum electrodynamics and atomic physics, attracts attention of researchers from many laboratories throughout the world specializing in accelerator physics, radiation physics, nuclear physics, materials science, biology and medicine. New radiation sources of that origin, being complementary to conventional sources based on synchrotron radiation, undulator radiation, free electron lasers, and Thomson scattering sources, can deliver powerful photon beams of coherent radiation reshaping, probably, the landscape of radiation science and its applications.
Channeling of charged particles in periodic crystals (monocrystals, complex crystals, nanostructures, etc.) has the potential to handle the beams: bent crystal channeling may result in beam steering at accelerators providing in such way the opportunity for beam extraction or collimation; by periodical variation in continuous potential of crystallographic plane, crystal can act as rather effective compact undulator; channeling becomes very promising instrument for cooling and accelerating muons, for production of positron, etc.
Channeling also works as useful method to control X-ray and gamma radiations for efficient beams deflection over the large angles at very short distances allowing in such a way the radiation intensity of existing sources to be increased in orders of the value (capillary/polycapillary optics, X-ray waveguides). Propagation of charged particles in crystals and propagation of photons/neutrons in capillary systems, even if strongly different by nature, have much in common, as both can be described within the frame of channeling theory.
The main scope of the "Channeling 2008" workshop is to attract the attention of researches from many world laboratories specializing in accelerator physics, radiation and nuclear physics, materials science, biology and medicine to the studies on both the passage of charged relativistic particles through strong periodic fields and electromagnetic radiation accompanying it, and new technological solutions for radiation handling in order to deliver the intense photon beams of coherent radiation. Special sessions of the workshop will be devoted to review the recent status of R&D on novel technological solutions for hadron colliders as a main topic of the ELN project, having the aim at a future high-luminosity proton supercollider, at studying the feasibility of the next generation of hadron colliders at the extreme limits of energy and luminosity.
The ELOISATRON (ELN) Project aims at a future proton supercollider with
100-500 TeV energy per beam and 1034-1036 cm-2s-1
luminosity. While the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being implemented
at CERN, it is in fact very timely to study the feasibility of the next
generation of hadron colliders at the extreme limits of energy and
luminosity. In this respect, the achievement of extremely high magnetic
fields and the production of accelerating rf cavities with very low
losses is a crucial point in the actual construction design of such a
kind of collider. The search for superconducting materials with suitable
properties to be used in this field has gained new impulse after the
discovery of the so-called High Temperature Superconducting Compounds
(HTSC) with superconducting critical temperatures higher than 100 K.
Besides the critical temperatures, the transport performances of this
class of compounds are still very far from allowing applications in
extremely high energy colliders. On the other hand, in the last few
years, the technological and scientific improvements obtained for both
the HTSC and the conventional superconducting materials are very promising.
The workshop represents a unique opportunity for the wide interdisciplinary community to gain information about current and future researches in the field of accelerator and radiation physics, and coherent/incoherent scattering of charged and neutral beams in various media. In particular it is of great interest for young scientists wishing to undertake new investigations following the foreseen development of the next generation brilliant photon sources, as well as an important opportunity for exploring and discussing new international initiatives in beam accelerator and radiation sciences.
The workshop program will include invited lectures, oral and poster presentations. Sufficient time for informal discussions will be allocated.