Proceedings & Abstracts
The scientific program will include invited presentations by the experts in the field of particle channeling physics, powerful X-ray sources and FEL physics, selected oral presentations, and poster sessions.
Overhead, slide and video projector linked to a PC will be available. In case of PC presentation files of PowerPoint format should be loaded to the PC provided by the organizers before the session of the talk. If you are going to use your own computer, please, contact secretariat of the conference or the chair/s of your session before the session opening.The size of the display area for a poster is 80 cm in width and 100 cm in height.
...instructions for authors...
Each author is requested to submit a camera-ready copy of an abstract of his contribution in English not later May 15 via e-mail
Authors are kindly required to follow the guidelines for Abstracts of Oral or Poster Contributions (in doc , LaTeX , or pdf formats).
Please save and submit the abstract under your family name typed in small letters, e.g. abstract_smith.*** submitted by Dr. Smith.
Abstracts of all accepted papers (both oral and poster) will be published in the Advanced Program and distributed to all participants at registration.Post deadline abstracts will not be published.
All the papers will be published in the SPIE Proceedings Series as a special issue (please, follow the guidelines for Manuscript preparation). The deadline for the manuscript submission is July 7, 2006 .
For further information or questions do not hesitate contacting the Organizing committee by |