Memorial lectures
To be held together with LC10 Workshop on New Physics: complementarities between direct and indirect searches
10:30 Mario Calvetti (Firenze Univ., LNF Director): Welcome
10:50 Mario Greco (Roma Tre Univ.): Nicola Cabibbo and Frascati
11:30 Remembering Nicola: from friends and collaborators
G. Isidori - R. Baldini - Y. Srivastava
12:00 Giorgio Bellettini (Pisa Univ., Fermilab): CDF Physics at the Fermilab collider
13:00 Buffet
15:00 Lyn Evans ( CERN): The Large Hadron Collider
15:45 John Ellis (CERN ): Perspectives for new physics at the LHC and beyond
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Jean-Pierre Delahaye (CERN): Review of New Accelerator Projects for the future of High Energy Physics
17:45 Francois Richard (LAL): A global project for the future linear collider
18:45 Cocktail
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
November 30th, 2010
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