
1st European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop

Supported by EU via EuCARD-2, GA 312453

June 2 - 7, 2013 La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy)


The 1st European Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop has the mission to discuss and foster methods of beam acceleration with gradients beyond state of the art in operational facilities. The most cost effective and compact methods for generating high energy particle beams shall be reviewed and assessed. This includes diagnostics methods, timing technology, special need for injectors, beam matching, beam dynamics with advanced accelerators and development of adequate simulations. This workshop is organized within the 7th European Programme by the European Network for Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAc), representing 52 European Research Institutes. The EAAC will be followed by a 1-day network meeting by invitation only.

On Friday 7th: EuroNNAc 2013 yearly meeting

Workshop information



  • Dielectric structures and other novel technologies
  • High gradient and multibunch acceleration in metallic structures (C-X-band and beyond) with innovative power generation schemes
  • Novel schemes using advanced technologies (table-top FEL, plasma linear collider)
  • Advanced beam diagnostics for beams and plasma
  • Plasma accelerators driven by electron beams
  • Plasma accelerators driven by proton beams
  • Plasma accelerators driven by modern lasers
  • Computations for Accelerator Physics


Workshop Organizing Committee
Massimo Ferrario (INFN - LNF), chair
Ralph Assmann (DESY)
Jens Osterhoff (DESY)
Arnd Specka (Ecole Polytechnique)
Local Organizing Committee
Massimo Ferrario, chair
Maria Pia Anania, Francesca Casarin, Enrica Chiadroni, Roberto Cimino,
Maria Rita Ferrazza, Francesco Forti, Giancarlo Gatti, Lucia Lilli, Fabio Villa

Programme Committee
Andrei A. Seryi (University of Oxford, UK), chair
Ralph Assmann (DESY, Germany)
Alessandro Cianchi (University of Roma Tor Vergata, INFN - Roma 2, Italy)
Massimo Ferrario (INFN - LNF, Italy)
Julien Fuchs (École Polytechnique - Palaiseau, France)
Patric Muggli (MPI - München, Germany)
Zulfikar Najmudin (Imperial College - London, UK)
Jens Osterhoff (DESY, Germany)
James B. Rosenzweig (UCLA, USA)
Luca Serafini (INFN - Milano, Italy)
Luis O. Silva (Istituto Superior Técnico - Lisboa, Portugal)
Arnd Specka (Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau, France)

International Advisory Committee
Seth Brussard, University of Technology Eindhoven - Weiren Chou, FNAL - Marie-Emmanuelle Coupries, Soleil - Brigitte Cros, LPGP - Danilo Giulietti, University Pisa and INFN - Leo Gizzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Florian Grüner, University Hamburg - Edda Gschwendtner, CERN - Mark Hogan, SLAC - Simon Hooker, University of Oxford - Dino Jaroszynski, University Strathclyde - Malte Kaluza, University Jena - Stefan Karsch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik - Igor Kostyukov, Institute of Applied Physics Russia - Konstantin Lotov, Budker INP - Wei Lu, Tsinghua University Beijing - Victor Malka, LOA - Mauro Migliorati, University of Rome - Patric Muggli, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik - Zulfikar Najmudin, Imperial College - Alexander Pukhov, University Düsseldorf - Markus Roth, GSI - Carl Schroeder, LBNL - Mike Seidel, PSI - Andrei Seryi, John Adams Institute - Zheng-Min Sheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Luis Silva, Instituto Superior Tecnico de Lisboa - Susan Smith, ASTeC - Steinar Stapnes, CERN - Toshi Tajima, LMU Munich - Claes-Goran Wahlström, University Lund - Carsten Welsch, University Liverpool - Matthew Wing, University College London - Frank Zimmermann, CERN