This workshop continues the discussions about the science case for a RICH detector for the CLAS12 experiment focussing on the role of kaon electroproduction in studying strangness in hard processes.
Since the discovery of strangeness almost five decades ago, interest in this degree of freedom has grown up and now its investigation spans the scales from quarks to nuclei. Measurements with identified strange hadrons can provide important information on several hot topics in hadronic physics: the strange distribution and fragmentation functions, the nucleon tomography and quark orbital momentum, accessible through the study of the Generalized Parton Distribution (GPDs) and the Transverse Momentum dependent parton Distribution functions (TMDs), the quark hadronization in the nuclear medium, the hadron spectroscopy and the search for exotic mesons.
The CLAS12 large acceptance detector in Hall B at Jefferson Lab upgraded with a RICH detector together with the 12 GeV CEBAF high intensity, high polarized electron beam can open new possibilities to study strangeness in hard processes allowing breakthroughs in all those areas.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss new experimental results and theoretical developments relevant for strangeness physics in hard processes as well as to discuss advances in RICH technologies focussing on the applications for the CLAS12 RICH project.
The workshop will be held at the INFN Laboratories of Frascati (LNF), closely connected to Frascati and Rome.
- Nucleon tomography - GPDs and TMDs
- Strange distribution and fragmentation functions
- Quark hadronization
- Exotic strange mesons
- Advances in RICH technologies
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