LC11 Workshop

This Workshop is part of a series of workshops on physics at Linear Colliders, organized in Italy every year to stimulate and gather together the Italian community interested in Linear Colliders (LCs). The workshop invites scientists from everywhere in the world to discuss together topical arguments related to LCs. Previous editions have taken place in Florence, Perugia and Frascati (twice). This year the main topic chosen is QCD and the venue is the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related areas (ECT*).

A preliminary list of topics covered in the workshop includes:

  • Status of the LC projects and their connections with the LHC
  • Precision measurements at e+e- colliders and elsewhere
  • The structure of QCD from the multi-TeV to the GeV scale
  • QCD: from partons to hadrons
  • Higgs and Top physics
  • Physics beyond the Standard Model
  • DIS & photon-photon physics
  • The future of QCD in e+e- physics
  • Medium energy projects in future e+e- physics


The workshop is sponsored by ECT* and INFN