23-25 September 1999


The easiest way to get to Frascati is by train from Termini central railway station (Rome).

Participants arriving by plane:

   From "Roma-Fiumicino" Airport to "Roma-Termini" central railway station:
Departures to Termini from 7:37 a.m. to 10:07 p.m. Trains nearly every hour; journey takes about 35 minutes.
Tickets are available at the Airport Station and cost 15,000 Lit.
Taxi fare (yellow or white licensed cabs strongly advised) from the Airport to Frascati amounts approximately to 110,000 Lit.

Night transfer from the Airport to "Termini" by public bus service. Departures down at the arrivals level.
   From Termini central railway station to Frascati, see Participants arriving by train.
Participants arriving by train:
Frascati can be conveniently reached either by train from Termini central railway station in Rome or by underground and then by bus.
If you decide to go by underground, take the "A" line and get off at Anagnina, then take a CO.TRAL. bus (blue buses) to Frascati. Buses depart Anagnina approximately every 30 minutes. You must buy a ticket (2.000 Lire in cash). before getting on the bus, at a newstand or ticket office at Anagnina.

Participants arriving by train TO GIOVANNELLA HOTEL
There are two possibilities:
1) Underground+Bus
Once in Roma Termini Railway Station you should buy a ticket at a tabacconist (1.500 Lire in cash).
and take the underground ("metropolitana" indicated by red "M" signs) line A to Anagnina Station. From here take one of the buses going to Frascati.
All buses going to Frascati will proceed to Monteporzio Catone, with final destination Rocca Priora. Approximately 5 km from Frascati, you will approach the town of Monteporzio Catone. Just after a post office on your right the bus will take a left turn; there is a bus stop very near the hotel on your right. The ride to Monteporzio Catone from Anagnina should take approximately 35 minutes.
2) Train
Take the train from Roma Termini to Frascati, as described above. From here you can take a taxi (approximate cost 10.000 Lit).

Participants arriving by train to VILLA MERCEDE HOTEL
Once in Roma Termini Railway Station you should buy a ticket at a tabacconist (1.500 Lire in cash).
and take the underground ("metropolitana" indicated by red "M" signs) line A to Anagnina Station. From here take one of the buses going to Frascati.
All buses going to Frascati will proceed to Monteporzio Catone, with final destination Rocca Priora.
You should get off before Frascati, there is a bus stop in front of "Villa Sora" school which faces Villa Mercede (an indication for Villa Mercede can be seen on the left); ask the bus driver. If you reach the central "piazza" in Frascati, where the bus will make a U-turn, you have go too far. Buses depart Anagnina approximately every 30 minutes and the ride to Villa Mercede will take 20 minutes; you must buy a ticket (2.000 Lire in cash). before getting on the bus, at a newstand or ticket office at Anagnina.
2) Train
Take the train from Roma Termini to Frascati, as described above. From here you can either take a taxi (approximate cost 10.000 Lit) or walk. If you walk it should take you approximately 15 minutes; go downhill.

Taxi fare (yellow or white licensed cabs) from Termini to Frascati amounts approximately to 80,000 Lit.
   If you arrive at "Roma-Tiburtina" railway station:
Connections to Underground line "B" to Termini central railway station.

Participants arriving by car:
Take the ring highway "Grande Raccordo Anulare", Exit 21-22 (see map). Take the national road Tuscolana (direction Frascati). Turn left (via Enrico Fermi) 50 mt. after the sign "Villa Sora".

Participants arriving by car TO GIOVANNELLA HOTEL
From the main ring road around Rome (Grande Raccordo Anulare) take the A1-A2 motorway towards Naples (also labelled E45). After approximately 10 km exit the motorway at Monteporzio Catone station (this is the second possible exit, after Torrenova and the toll booth). Follow the directions to Monteporzio Catone town approximately 2 km. Hotel Giovannella will be on your right as you start the uphill road into town.

Participants arriving by car TO VILLA MERCEDE HOTEL
Follow the directions given above to Frascati. However, do not turn left in Via Enrico Fermi: Villa Mercede Hotel is on your left just before via Enrico Fermi. In front of the sign "Villa Sora" on your right, there is a sign "Villa Mercede Hotel"on your left. From The Grande Raccordo Anulare to Villa Mercede it should take you about 15 minutes.

Participants arriving by bus:
A bus service is provided by ENEA and INFN from Rome to LNF, Monday to Friday only. For further information, see the TimeTable.



23/9      Hotel Giovannella/LNF                                                                                                                                               7:50 a.m.
              LNF/Hotel Giovannella                                                                                                                                                7:30  p.m.

24/9      Hotel Giovannella/LNF                                                                                                                                               7:50  a.m.
              LNF/Hotel Giovannella                                                                                                                                                 7:30  p.m.

25/9         Hotel Giovannella/LNF                                                                                                                                              7:50  a.m.
                LNF/Hotel Giovannella                                                                                                                                                13:30  p.m.

BUS (8 SEATS) FROM/TO VILLA MERCEDE                    TIMETABLE HOTEL                                       

23/9      Hotel Villa Mercede/LNF                                                                                                                                                8:10 a.m.

              LNF/Hotel Villa Mercede                                                                                                                                                 7:30 p.m.

24/9    Hotel Villa Mercede/LNF                                                                                                                                                  8:10 a.m.

              LNF/Hotel Villa Mercede                                                                                                                                                   7:30 p.m.


25/9       Hotel Villa Mercede/LNF                                                                                                                                                     8:10 a.m.

               LNF/ Hotel Villa Mercede                                                                                                                                                   13:30 p.m.

-- SOCIAL DINNER-- 24th September

                   LNF Guard Door/Hotel Villa Mercede/Hotel Giovannella                                                                                            8:15 p.m.
                        Hotel Giovannella/  Hotel Villa Mercede/LNF Guard Door                                                                                         11:30 p.m.


F.M. - M.L.September 13, 1999