Vulcano Workshop 98

25 - 30 May, 1998

General Information

Vulcano is one of the Eolian islands, which are noteworthy not only for their beaches and natural beauty, but also for their volcanic activity (generally mild). The temperature in May is usually ranging between 17 to 25°C.

Some interesting links:
(Live Cam)
The Island
Another Vulcano page
The History (in italian)
Geological sketch map of Vulcano island
Eolie on Line
A view from the Space !
Isole Eolie

Vulcano, can be reached by hydrofoil from Milazzo (Timetable) and Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria can be reached by plane), and by boat from Milazzo and Napoli. The Workshop will be held at the EOLIAN HOTEL (Tel. 39-90-9852151, credit cards: Visa-Diners-Am.Express), facing the sea with a sandy beach.(Hotel INFORMATION)

Full Board and lodging will be:

Double room - 103.000 ITL. (about 60 US$)
Single room - 124.000 ITL. (about 70 US$).

The registration fee amounts to 350.000 ITL.(only cash payments in local currency are accepted), which will cover the costs of the Conference Proceedings, T-shirt and social activities during the Workshop. The Proceedings will be published by Il Nuovo Cimento, in a special series of books dedicated to the conferences