Collaboration Meeting 
LNF, November 11-13, 1998 
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - INFN  
  Via E. Fermi, 40 
I-00044 Frascati (Rome) - Italy
Phone: +39 06 94031 (Operator)

The easiest way to get to Frascati is by train from Termini central railway station (Rome).

Participants arriving by plane:

   From "Roma-Fiumicino" Airport to "Roma-Termini" central railway station:
Departures to Termini from 7:38 a.m. to 10:08 p.m. trains nearly every hour; journey takes about 35 minutes.
Tickets are available at the Airport Station and cost 13,000 Lit.
Taxi fare (yellow or white licensed cabs strongly advised) from the Airport to Frascati amounts approximately to 110,000 Lit.

Night transfer from the Airport to "Termini" by public bus service. Departures down at the arrivals level.
   From Termini central railway station to Frascati, see Participants arriving by train.

Participants arriving by train:

Frascati can be conveniently reached either by train from Termini central railway station in Rome or by underground and then by bus.
If you decide to go by underground, take the "A" line and get off at Anagnina, then take a CO.TRAL. bus (blue buses) to Frascati.
Taxi fare (yellow or white licensed cabs) from Termini to Frascati amounts approximately to 80,000 Lit.
   If you arrive at "Roma-Tiburtina" railway station:
Connections to Underground line "B" to Termini central railway station.

Participants arriving by car:

Take the ring highway "Grande Raccordo Anulare", Exit 21-22 . Take the national road Tuscolana (direction Frascati). Turn left (via Enrico Fermi) 50 mt. after the sign "Villa Sora". 

Participants arriving by bus:

A bus service is provided by ENEA and INFN from Rome to LNF, Monday to Friday only. For further information, see the TimeTable.



D.P.- October 28, 1998