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This is the first announcement of the Advanced ICFA Workshop on "Beam
Dynamics Issues for e+e- Factories".
It will take place at the Frascati National Laboratories (Italy), on 20-25
October 1997.
It is aimed at the accelerator physics community working on the development, commissioning or design of high luminosity electron positron colliders with particular regard to phi, B and tau-charm factories and to LEP and CESR colliders.
Primary goal of this workshop is to discuss beam dynamics issues related
to high luminosity:
Theoretical analysis and predictions, New developments, Technological limitations,
Experimental observations.
There will be 4 working groups and 1 plenary session on the following subjects:
1 Interaction region design Chairman: D.Rice homepage Abstract List 2 Single Particle Dynamics Chairman: J.Jowett homepage Abstract List 3 Beam-Beam Effects Chairman: K.Hirata homepage Abstract List 4 Impedance, Instabilities, Cures Chairman: L.Palumbo homepage Abstract List 5 tau-charm day Chairman: E.A.Perelstein homepage Abstract List
Participants willing to present a poster or an oral contribution in the
working groups sessions, are kindly requested to give the title of the
presentation, and the choice of the group in the www registration form.
The Workshop fee is 400 US $ , to be paid at the registration,
Italian or US currency only (no checks, no credit cards). It includes
proceedings, shuttle service during the Conference, welcome cocktail, coffee
breaks, lunch tickets, social dinner and events.
Deadlines: Abstracts October 1, 1997
International Advisory Committee:
A. Ando Himeji Inst. Techn./SPRING8 V.I. Balbekov IHEP (Protvino) P. Chen SLAC P. Colestock Fermilab J. Dorfan SLAC K. Hirata KEK A. Hofmann CERN I. Hofmann GSI C.S. Hsue SRRC J. Jowett CERN S. Kurokawa KEK J.L. Laclare ESRF A.N. Lebedev LPI S.Y. Lee Univ.Indiana H. Mais DESY L. Palumbo Univ. Rome/LNF-INFN C. Pellegrini UCLA E.A. Perelstein JINR D. Pestrikov BINP R.H. Siemann SLAC A. Skrinsky BINP G. Vignola LNF-INFN S.H. Wang IHEP (Beijing) C. Zhang IHEP (Beijing)
Program Committee: S. Chattopadhyay LBNL N. Dikansky BINP K. Hirata KEK J. Jowett CERN S. Kamada KEK J. Le Duff LAL L. Palumbo Univ. Rome/LNF-INFN (Chairman) E.A. Perelstein JINR D. Pestrikov BINP D. Rice CESR R. Ruth SLAC J. Seeman SLAC G. Vignola LNF-INFN C. Zhang IHEP (Beijing) F. Zimmermann SLAC M. Zisman LBNL
Local Organizing Committee:
M. Biagini LNF-INFN M.R. Ferrazza LNF-INFN S. Giromini LNF-INFN S. Guiducci LNF-INFN M. Migliorati LNF-INFN G. Nanula Univ. Rome L. Palumbo Univ. Rome/LNF-INFN M. Preger LNF-INFN M. Serio LNF-INFN G. Vignola LNF-INFN (Chairman)
M.R. Ferrazza, S. Giromini, G. Nanula
Tel.:+39-6-94032573 or 2643, Fax:+39-6-94032582 or 2243.
e-mail: icfa97@axlnf1.lnf.infn.it
WEB home page:
The Conference will be organized in plenary and working groups sessions and we tentatively foreseen the following general program:
MONDAY, Oct. 20
Morning (Plenary) Chairman: S. Myers
09:00 Opening Addresses P. Laurelli
09:10 ICFA Addresses K. Hirata
09:20 Frascati Phi-Factory G. Vignola
10:10 About Round Beams at BINP Y. Shatunov
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Beijing Tau-Charm Facility Y.Z. Wu
12:30 Beam Dynamics Issues at LEP J. Jowett
13:30 Lunch
Afternoon (Plenary) Chairman: A. Chao
15:00 Beam Dynamics Issues at CESR J.T. Rogers
16:00 Beam Dynamics Issues at PEP-II J. Seeman
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Beam Dynamics Issues at KEKB K. Oide
18:30 Welcome Cocktail
TUESDAY, Oct. 21 "Beam Dynamics Review Talks"
Morning (Plenary) Chairman: A. Hutton
09:00 Interaction Region H. Koiso
10:00 Single Particle Dynamics J. Irwin
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Beam Beam M. Furman
12:30 Beam Instabilities S. Heifets
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Visit to Daphne
15:30 Working Groups session
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Working Groups session
18:30 Bus to Hotels
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 22 Morning 09:00 Working Groups session
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Working Groups session
13:30 Lunch Afternoon
15:00 Working Groups session
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Working Groups session
18:30 Bus to Hotels
20:00 Social Dinner
THURSDAY, Oct. 23 Morning 09:00 Working Groups session
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Working Groups session
13:30 Bus to Hotels (packed lunch) Afternoon
14:45 Excursion to Rome
FRIDAY, Oct. 24 "Toward a Tau-charm" Morning Chairman : A.E. Perelstein 09:00 Plenary
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Plenary
13:30 Lunch Afternoon Chairman : C. Zhang 15:00 Plenary
17:00 Coffee Break
17:30 Plenary
18:30 Bus to Hotels
SATURDAY, Oct. 25 Summary Talks Morning Chairman: B. Zotter 09:00 Interaction Region D.Rice
09:45 Single Particle Dynamics J.Jowett
10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Beam-Beam K.Hirata
11:45 Instabilities L.Palumbo 12:30 Tau-charm perspectives A.E. Perelstein
Welcome Cocktail at Villa CASAL MARCHESE (wine and typical products testing) 18:30 Bus from LNF 22:00 Bus to Hotels
PLEASE NOTE: rooms in downtown Frascati are limited and a "first-come, first-served" policy will be applied.
Accommodation is arranged in two hotels:
Villa Campitelli was erected during the 16th century on the site of
the Roman Emperor Sulpicio Galba's residence (circa 60 AD).
The Hotel Cacciani-Giadrina, located in Frascati's main square across the
City Hall, is nation-wide renowned for its restaurant, which proposes regional
cuisine with a contemporary flavour.
Single room Double room (per person) Hotel Villa Campitelli 55,000 Lit 40,000 Lit Via Sulpicio Galba n.4 tel. +39-6-9426434 Fax. +39-6-9417289 Hotel Cacciani-Giadrina 100,000 Lit 65,000 Lit Via Armando Diaz n.15 tel +39-6-9419415 fax +39-6-9420440 prices include room and breakfast service. A conference bus will be provided.
Lunch will be served in the LNF Canteen.
Frascati offers a wide choice of restaurants
We have listed several options:
Restaurants Address Closed on: Prices Pizzeria Piave Via Piave Wed 20-30 KLit. Pizzeria Lucullo Piazza delle Scuole Pie Tue 20-30 KLit. Il Pinocchio Piazza del Mercato, 21 Tue 20-30 KLit. L'Ombrellino Via Grossi Gondi, 2 Mon 20-30 KLit. Il giardino dei Lauri Via L. Micara, 11 Wed 30-50 KLit. Ristorante Cacciani Via A. Diaz Mon 50-70 KLit. Taberna Mamilius Via Balilla, 1 Wed-Sun 50-70 KLit. Hostaria allo Spuntino * Via Cicerone, 20 Wed 50-70 KLit. *in Grottaferrata (about 4 km far from Frascati)
Frascati can be reached from Roma-Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci"
Airport and/or from Termini Central Railway Station by public transportation.
We are going to organize two buses from the Airport to Frascati on Sunday 19, the first one around 12.00 a.m. the second one around 5.30 p.m. If you are interested fill out additional information box in the registration form.
Take the ring highway "Grande Raccordo Anulare", Exit 21-22 (see map). Take the national road named Tuscolana in direction Frascati. Turn left (via Enrico Fermi) 300 mt. before downtown.
Participants arriving by bus
From Roma to LNF there is a service organized by ENEA and INFN valid only during the working days (from Monday to Friday). There is the TimeTable and Route.
SUN. Oct. 19 hr 12,00 FCO Airport - Frascati Town, Villa
Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF
SUN. Oct. 19 hr 17,30 FCO Airport - Frascati Town,
Villa Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF
MEETING POINT AT INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALS GATE (30 minutes before bus departure)
MON. Oct. 20 hr 8,25 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
MON. Oct. 20 hr 18,30 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli, Villa
Laura, LNF, Casale Marchese
MON. Oct. 20 hr 22,00 Casale Marchese, LNF, Villa
Campitelli, Villa Laura, Frascati Town
TUE. Oct. 21 hr 8,30 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
TUE. Oct. 21 hr 18,30 LNF - Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town
TUE. Oct. 21 hr 19,30 LNF - Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town, Anagnina Metro Station
TUE. Oct. 21 hr 23,00 Anagnina Metro Station, Frascati
Town, Villa Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF
WED. Oct. 22 hr 8,30 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
WED. Oct. 22 hr 18,30 LNF -Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town
WED. Oct. 22 hr 20,00 LNF -Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town, Fico Nuovo Restaurant
WED. Oct. 22 hr 23,30 Fico Nuovo Restaurant, Frascati
Town, Villa Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF
THU. Oct. 23 hr 8,30 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
THU. Oct. 23 hr 13,30 LNF-Villa Laura, Villa.Campitelli,
Frascati Town
THU. Oct. 23 hr 14,45 LNF- Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town, TOUR ROMA
THU. Oct. 23 hr 23,00 ROMA, Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
FRY. Oct. 24 hr 8,30 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
FRY. Oct. 24 hr 18,30 LNF -Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town
FRY. Oct. 24 hr 19,30 LNF -Villa Laura, Villa Campitelli,
Frascati Town, Anagnina Metro Station
FRY. Oct. 24 hr 23,00 Anagnina Metro Station, Frascati
Town, Villa Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF
SAT. Oct. 25 hr 8,30 Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli,
Villa Laura, LNF
SAT. Oct. 25 (to be defined) Frascati Town, Villa
Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF, Anagnina Metro Station, FCO Airport
SAT. Oct. 25 (to be defined) Frascati Town, Villa
Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF, Anagnina Metro Station, FCO Airport
SUN. Oct. 26 (to be defined) Frascati Town, Villa Campitelli, Villa Laura, LNF, Anagnina Metro Station, FCO Airport
Frascati Town = in front of Frascati City Hall
Villa Laura = at the corner between Via Enrico Fermi and Via Cesare Minardi
Roma Tour Meeting Point = Largo Ponte Umberto I
Anagnina Metro Station = Newsagents at the Underground exit to Via Tuscolana
The Conference proceedings will be published on Frascati Physics Series.
Deadline for the contributed papers: December 31, 1997
Participants willing to have their contributions published on WWW are kindly
requested to produce a PS or a PDF format file.
Instructions will be given as soon as possible.