VI International Conference on Calorimetry in High-Energy Physics

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - INFN
June 8-14, 1996
Frascati (Rome) - Italy

International Advisory Committee:
G. Bellettini (Pisa), M. Derrick (ANL), A. Ereditato (Napoli), Yu. Galaktionov (ITEP), H.A. Gordon (BNL), D. Green (Fermilab), P. Jenni (CERN), A. Menzione (Pisa), T. Kobayashi (Tokyo), A. Para (Fermilab), K. Pretzl (Bern), J. Siegrist (UC Berkeley)

Local Organizing Committee:
A.Antonelli, G.Bencivenni, S.Bertolucci, S.Bianco, S.Calcaterra, F.L.Fabbri(Chairman),
P.Levi Sandri, V.Lucherini, S.Miscetti, F.Murtas, V.Valente.

R.Centioni, S.Giromini, A.Mantella.
Tel.:+39-6-94032643, Fax:+39-6-94032243.

WEB home page:

More Information:

The 1996 edition of the Conference - following Fermilab, Capri, Corpus Christi, Elba and BNL, will be held at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati - INFN, Frascati, Italy from June 8th through 14th.

The Conference will cover all major topics in calorimetry, with emphasis on high-energy applications, such as crystals, liquid noble gases and sampling calorimeters. New techniques, DAQ and FEE, radiation damage and simulation tools will also be addressed.

Talks will be organized in plenary sessions. The Conference proceedings will be published.

For further information please contact the Conference Secretariat.



Frascati can be reached from Roma-Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci" Airport and/or from Termini Central Railway Station by public transportation.

Participants arriving by plane:

The Official Carrier is the Italian Flag Company ALITALIA.
For more information click here

Participants arriving by train:

   Frascati TO  Roma Termini    Roma Termini TO  Frascati 

    05:18          05:45            05:55         06:20 
    06:26          06:55            06:40*        07:06*
    07:37*         08:05*           08:40         09:07 
    08:21          08:48            09:50*        10:15*
    10:25*         10:50*           11:30         11:55 
    12:28          12:55            13:00         13:24 
    13:38          14:00            13:30         14:00 
    14:19          14:50            14:10         14:41 
    14:46          15:10            15:10         15:35 
    15:44          16:10            15:40         16:07 
    16:25          16:50            16:45         17:10 
    17:16          17:40            17:20         17:45 
    18:00          18:25            18:35*        18:57*
    19:02*         19:25*           19:45*        20:12*
    20:27*         20:55*           21:15*        21:43*
(* On Sundays and Holidays only these trains available)

Tickets (2,700 Lit.) may be purchased:

Participants arriving By Car

Take the ring highway "Grande Raccordo Anulare", Exit 21- 22 (see map). Take the national road named Tuscolana in direction Frascati. Turn left (via Enrico Fermi) 300 mt. before downtown.


Saturday 8th

A shuttle service will be provided in coincidence with train arrivals: 
with the following tour:
Frascati train station - Villa Tuscolana - Villa Campitelli - LNF Foresteria/Guesthouse 

  from 13:30 to 17:40 
  from 18:45 to 19:15 
  from 20:15 to 20:45

A connection between the Hotels and the Registration and Conference Welcome
is also provided:

 	LNF Foresteria/Guesthouse -  Via E.Fermi corner 
	Via Minardi (Villa Laura) - Villa Campitelli - 
        H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall) - Villa Tuscolana

 	LNF Foresteria/Guesthouse -  Via E.Fermi corner 
	Via Minardi (Villa Laura) - Villa Campitelli - 
        H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall) - Villa Tuscolana

  21:00 Return to hotels:
        Villa Tuscolana - H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall) 
        Villa Campitelli - Via E.Fermi corner 
	Via Minardi (Villa Laura) - LNF Foresteria/Guesthouse


Sunday 9th

8:30 BUS 1 Villa Tuscolana-H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall)-LNF 8:30 BUS 2 Villa Campitelli-Via E.Fermi corner V. Minardi (Villa Laura)-LNF 18:30 BUS 1,2 LNF to Hotels

Monday 10th

8:15 BUS 1 Villa Tuscolana-H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall)-LNF 8:30 BUS 2 Villa Campitelli-Via E.Fermi corner V. Minardi (Villa Laura)-LNF 18:30 BUS 1,2 Winery tour 21:00 return to Hotels

Tuesday 11th

8:15 BUS 1 Villa Tuscolana-H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall)-LNF 8:30 BUS 2 Villa Campitelli-Via E.Fermi corner V. Minardi (Villa Laura)-LNF 18:05 BUS 1,2 LNF-Hotels 20:00 Hotels- Social Dinner 24:00 return to Hotels

Wednesday 12th

8:15 BUS 1 Villa Tuscolana-H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall)-LNF 8:30 BUS 2 Villa Campitelli-Via E.Fermi corner V. Minardi (Villa Laura)-LNF 18:30 BUS 1,2 LNF-Hotels 20:00 Hotel Pickups to Roman Walks

Thursday 13th

8:15 BUS 1 Villa Tuscolana-H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall)-LNF 8:30 BUS 2 Villa Campitelli-Via E.Fermi corner V. Minardi (Villa Laura)-LNF 18:05 BUS 1,2 LNF-Hotels

Friday 14th

7:30 Villa Tuscolana-H.Giadrina (near Frascati Comune/City Hall) - Via E.Fermi corner Via Minardi (Villa Laura)-Villa Campitelli - LNF-Lab. GRAN SASSO 14:00 Lab. GRAN SASSO-Hotels Frascati

Additional free shuttle service will be available during the Conference hours, (approx. at 10:00 and 14:00 every day) connecting Villa Tuscolana-Hotel Cacciani-Giadrina-Villa Campitelli-LNF and return.


Accommodation is arranged in three hotels:
A "first-come, first-served" policy has been applied.

Villa Campitelli was erected during the 16th century on the site of the Roman Emperor Sulpicio Galba's residence (circa 60 AD).
The Hotel Cacciani-Giadrina, located in Frascati's main square across the City Hall, is nation-wide renowned for its restaurant, which proposes regional cuisine with a contemporary flavour.
Villa Tuscolana was also built during the 16th century, by Cardinal Rufini from a design by architect Luigi Vanvitelli.

	                    Single room        Double room
Hotel  Villa Campitelli      50,000Lit          80,000Lit
Via Sulpicio Galba n.4 
tel. +39-6-9426434
Fax. +39-6-9417289

Hotel Cacciani-Giadrina      90,000Lit         120,000Lit
Via Armando Diaz n.15
tel +39-6-9419415
fax +39-6-9420440

Hotel Villa Tuscolana	    110,000Lit 	       160,000Lit 
Via del Tuscolo Km2
tel. +39-6-9417450
Fax  +39-6-9424747		
IMPORTANT: Please note that rooms in downtown Frascati are limited.


Lunch will be served in the High Energy Building.

Frascati offers a wide spectrum of choices for dining.
We have listed several options:

 Restaurants               Address                    Closed on:    Prices 

 Pizzeria Piave	    	   Via Piave			Wed        20-30 KLit. 
 Pizzeria Lucullo	   Piazza delle Scuole Pie	Tue	   20-30 KLit. 
 Il Pinocchio        	   Piazza del Mercato, 21	Tue	   20-30 KLit. 
 L'Ombrellino	     	   Via Grossi Gondi, 2	        Mon	   20-30 KLit. 
 Il giardino dei Lauri     Via L. Micara, 11		Wed	   30-50 KLit. 
 Ristorante Cacciani   	   Via A. Diaz		        Mon	   50-70 KLit. 
 Taberna Mamilius  	   Via Balilla, 1		Wed-Sun    50-70 KLit. 
 Hostaria allo Spuntino *  Via Cicerone, 20		Wed	   50-70 KLit. 

    *in Grottaferrata (about 4 km far from Frascati)


Wednesday 12th June

Where history meets art, and charm meets beauty. Guided by experts in archaeology and history of art, we shall wind up along the way in typical caffe` bars to rest.
Wear comfortable shoes !
Admission is free for Conference participants and accompanying persons. ATTENDANCE IS LIMITED.
You must register
using the sign-up sheet at the Secretariat Desk before noon, Monday 10th.


Tentative Program

 20:00 board coach in downtown Frascati
 21:00 tours begin in downtown  Rome
 22:30 stop in caffe' bar
 23:15 board return coach 
 24:00 arrival in Frascati, drop-off at hotels.


We have organized a Gran Sasso Laboratory Tour (80 Km from Frascati) on Friday 14th.
In order to do this, we need to know how many people want to make the tour.
If you are interested please fill the following form:

 Family Name :
        Name :
      E-Mail :



Please fill out the following www form or
send by E-mail or Fax the enclosed registration/reservation to the Conference Secretariat:

Mrs. Silvia Giromini
LNF - Via E.Fermi 40
I - 00044 Frascati
Phone : 39-6-94032643, Fax: +39-6-94032243

Please note: All hotel bills must be settled directly with the hotel itself, preferably in Italian Lire or credit card (excluding Hotel Villa Campitelli). No accommodation choice can be guaranteed to participants failing to arrive on the date mentioned in the hotel reservation form.

The Workshop fee is 300 US $, to be paid at the registration, Italian or US currency only (no checks, no credit cards). It includes proceedings, shuttle service during the Conference, welcome cocktail, coffee breaks, lunch tickets, social dinner and events.

The registration/reservation form should be received before MARCH 30TH, 1996.


We inform the participants aiming to give a talk that we require, as a necessary pre-condition, to receive the talks' abstracts before March 10th, 1996 .
One-page abstracts, accompanied by the Abstract Submission Form, have to be sent by the following form or e-mail or fax to the Conference secretariat.

 Family Name: 
 Arrival date:   By Plane  By Train  By Car 
 Departure date: By Plane  By Train  By Car 

 Hotel Villa Campitelli : Cash or travellers' Cheque only
 Hotel Villa Tuscolana  : Major Credit Cards accepted  
 Hotel Cacciani-Giadrina: Major Credit Cards accepted 

 Room: Single Double  Companion(s):

 Additional Information: 

 Submitted Paper:Yes  No 




The Conference will be organized in plenary sessions and we tentatively foresee the following organization:

List of Abstracts


Saturday 8th

18:00-20:00 Registration (Villa Tuscolana) 19:00-21:00 Welcome Cocktail (Villa Tuscolana)

Sunday 9th

9:00-12:00 REGISTRATION (LNF) Opening 9:00 P.Laurelli Welcome LNF-Director G.Salvini The Adventures of Physics: From the Electrosynchrotron to DAFNE Overview (Conv. E.Iarocci / Secr. L.Benussi) 9:40 invited 40' L.Sulak Radiation Hard Cherenkov Calorimetry for the High Rate Forward Calorimeters. 10:20 invited 40' J.Rutherfoord The ATLAS forward Calorimeters. 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:30 invited 40' A.Golutvin The HERA-B Calorimeter, also in view of LHC-B. 12.10 invited 40' F.Gianotti Electromagnetic Calorimetry Requirements for LHC Physics. Potential of the ATLAS Calorimeter. 12:50 LUNCH 14:50 invited 40' P.Denes New Crystal Calorimeters for Colliders 15:30 invited 40' G.Barbiellini Calorimetry for Astroparticle Physics 16:10 COFFEE BREAK Non Conventional Calorimeters (Conv. B.Aubert / Secr. Benussi) 16:40 abs61 20' M.Ricci The Wizard Programm on calorimeters for Space Applications 17:00 abs59 15' H.Mielke A Large Calorimeter for Cosmic Ray Hadrons S. Denisov Energy loss of cosmic ray muons in LAr 17:15 abs03 10' H.Gemmeke Upgrade of Karmen neutrino-calorimeter 17:25 abs97 20' A.Giuliani Phonon mediated particle detection: results and prospects. 17:45 abs96 20' F.Pietropaolo The Liquid Argon TPC for the ICARUS experiment. 18:05 abs33 10' S. Denisov Use of heavy Freons in gas calorimeters

Monday 10th

Sampling Calorimeters (Conv. U.Goerlach / Secr. G.Cabibbo) 9:00 abs63 20' I.Gouz The Performance of the DELPHI Small Angle Tile Calorimeter 9:20 abs45 20' W.J.Llope The Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the STAR experiment at RHIC 9:40 abs30 20' R.Rusack A Lead-liquid scintillator "shashlik" em calorimeter prototype 10:00 abs17 20' M. Taiuti The CLAS large angle calorimeter 10:20 abs41 20' H.J.Grabosch The presampler for FCAL and RCAL in ZEUS 10:40 abs69 20' A.Maio WLS fibers for calorimetry - comparative studies 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:20 abs12 20' I.V.Gorelov Recent Experience with an H1 Lead/Sci Calorimeter 11:40 abs27 20' M.Incagli Status of Kloe e.m. Calorimeter: final optimizations and construction progress 12:00 abs54 20' P.Migliozzi Performance of the fiber calorimeter for the CHORUS detector 12:20 abs86 20' C.A.Pruneau The E864 Lead/SciFI Hadronic Calorimeter 12:40 abs26 20' V.Gavrilov CMS Quartz Fiber Calorimetry 13:00 abs55 20' R.Wigmans The benefits of extreme non-compensation: quartz fiber calorimetry for CMS 13:20 LUNCH 14:40 abs62 20' A.Musso The Quartz Fibre Zero Degree Calorimeter of NA50 Experiment at CERN SPS 15:00 abs53 20' M.Bosman The ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter 15:20 abs46 20' A.Henriques Response of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Prototype to Muons 15:40 abs50 25' J.Freeman Overview of CMS Central Hadron Calorimetry 16:05 abs32 15' G.Boca A tile hadron-calorimeter for the FOCUS experiment at Fermilab 16:20 COFFEE BREAK Calibration (Conv. B.Borgia / Secr. M.C.Spitalieri ) 16:40 abs4 20' R.Kehoe Calibration of D0 Calorimeter 17:00 abs16 20' A.Volodko Measurement of scintillator in magnetic field 17:20 abs28 20' P.Gauzzi Calibration of KLOE calorimeter 17:40 abs31 20' D.Cauz A stability monitor for CDF Plug Cal. 18:30-21:00 BRUSCHETTA & VINO, WINERY TOUR

Tuesday 11th

Liquid Calorimeters (Conv. D.Fournier / Secr. L.Bucci) 9:00 abs95 20' J. Kotcher The D0 Calorimeter upgrade 9:20 abs58 20' L. Fayard Status of NA48 LKr 9:40 abs70 20' M.Seman Optimisation of ATLAS EM cal 10:00 abs71 20' B.Mansoulie Mechanics of ATLAS EM barrel 10:20 abs66 20' P.Fassnacht ATLAS EM Endcap:description and test beam results 10:40 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 abs34 15' H.Stenzel ATLAS Hadronic EndCap :description and first test beam results 11:15 abs10 10' M.Yakimenko Kapton readout boards for the ATLAS hadronic EndCap 11:25 abs37 15' V.Panin The KEDR LKr calorimeter:description and recent test results 11:40 abs51 10' P.Frabetti Measurements of El drift velocity in LKr-methane mixtures 11:50 abs72 15' G.Battistoni Signal shape analysis for calibration and monitoring 12:05 abs29 15' S.Denisov Energy loss measurements of muons in the Liq Ar bars detector 12:20 abs73 20' F.Lobkowicz Cryostat and Feedthrough design for the ATLAS Barrel Cryostat 12:40 LUNCH Simulation and Analysis Techniques (Conv. T.J.Virdee / Secr. F.Anulli) 14:00 abs76 20' V.Tisserand Search for Higgs in two photons decay in ATLAS 14:20 abs47 20' K.Lassila Reconstruction of H-->gamma gamma in CMS 14:40 abs78 15' I.Vichou Electron and photon identification with the ATLAS detector 14:55 abs48 20' I.Efthymiopoulos Comparison between the test beam data from the ATLAS/Tilecal hadron barrel calorimeter and the hadronic simulation packages 15:15 abs24 20' V.Genchev Simulation of the CMS hadron calorimeter 15:35 abs7 20' G.Bonomi Simulation of hadronic showers in a sampling calorimeter using real data shower library 15:55 abs89 20' M.Fouz Comparison: simulation/data from Fe/PPC trigger 16:15 abs25 15' A.Nikitenko Simulation of the CMS calorimeter trigger 16:30 COFFEE BREAK 16:50 abs23 15' A.Zallo A study of transverse energy trigger utilizing the outer em calorimeter of FOCUS at Fermilab 17:05 abs6 15' G.Barbiellini A lead/scintillating fibre calorimeter for the measurement of gamma energy and direction 17:20 abs44 15' Q.Fan A technique for determining the energy, charge and track parameters of electrons using calorimetry in combination with inner vertex tracking 17:35 abs64 15' P.Sala Study of radiative muon interactions at 300 GeV 20:30 SOCIAL DINNER

Wednesday 12th

Radiation Hardness (Conv. A.Maio / Secr. S.Giovannella) 9:00 abs56 15' R.Zhu Radiation Damage and Cure for PbWO Crystals 9:15 abs94 10' R.Zhu CsI(Tl) Radiation Damage Study and Quality Improvement 9:25 abs39 15' R.Dzhelyadin Quartz Radiation Damage Study 9:40 abs1 20' A.Tonazzo Performance of an artificially aged module of the DELPHI HPC calorimeter 10:00 abs14 20' U.Holm Radiation stability of plastic scintillators and the influence on calorimeter performance 10:20 abs79 15' L.Dobrzynsky Performance of a Shashlik type calorimetry effect of radiation 10:35 abs65 20' M. David Dose rate effects in scintillating and WLS fiber calorimeters 10:55 COFFEE BREAK Crystal and Homogeneous Calorimeters (Conv. R.Zhu / Secr. S.Conticelli) 11:25 abs18 20' A.Fantoni The HERMES Electromagnetic Calorimeter 11:45 abs88 20' F.Maas The PbF_2 Calorimeter for the New Parity Violation Experiment at MAMI 12:05 abs87 15' X.Q.Feng Recent Progresses on Scintillation Crystals in SIC 12:20 abs80 20' R.Novotny The Electromagnetic Calorimeter TAPS 12:40 abs20 15' V.Golubev NaI(Tl) Calorimeter for the SND Detector at the e+e- VEPP-2M 12:55 LUNCH 14:35 abs83 20' M.H.Lee The CsI(Tl) ECAL for the BELLE Experiment at KEK 14:55 abs93 20' R.Seitz The CsI(Tl) ECAL for the BaBar at SLAC 15:15 abs38 15' B.Shwartz Calorimetry with CsI Crystals in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics 15:30 abs43 20' P.Shanahan The Performance of a New CsI Calorimeter at the E799/E832 Experiments at Fermilab 15:50 COFFEE BREAK 16:20 abs5 20' R. di Salvo The BGO Calorimeter for LAGRANGE Detector 16:40 abs21 15' V.Smakhatin Performance and Tests of the BGO Endcap Calorimeter with Phototriode Readout for the CMD-2 Detector 16:55 abs52 25' M.Diemoz The lead tungstate CMS electromagnetic calorimeter 17.20 abs49 20' P.Lecoq Lead Tungstate Crystals for a Precision CMS ECAL 17.40 abs57 20' C.Seez Tests of PbWO_4 Matrices in High Energy Beam for CMS ECAL 18:00 abs19 15' M.Lebeau Mechanical Design of the CMS PbWO_4 ECAL 20:00 TOUR "Roman Nocturnal Walks"

Thursday 13th

Readout and Electronics (Conv. V.Radeka / Secr. C.Colantuono) 9:00 abs9 15' F. Marroquim Time-Digitized Signal Analysis for a Scintillator Tile Hadron Calorimeter 9:15 abs90 15' C. de La Taille A low noise transceiver for the NA48 calorimeter 9:30 abs84 15' J.P.Mendiburu Research and Developments in Front-End Electronic for the read out of the Electromagnetic calorimeter of CMS 9:45 abs22 15' A.Zoccoli The Electromagnetic calorimeter of the HERA-B experiment 10:00 abs67 15' D.Camin A cryogenic front_end electronics for fast noble liquid calorimetry 10:15 abs85 15' C.Cerri The front-end electronics of the NA48 Liquid Krypton Calorimeter 10:30 abs35 15' H.Takai Dynamic Range Compression in a Liquid Argon Calorimeter 10:45 abs60 15' P.Aspell A Low Power, Large Dynamic Range, CMOS Amplifier and Analog Memory for Capacitive Sensors 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:30 abs82 15' E.Monnier Analogue optical links for the front end read out of the atlas liquid argon calorimeter 11:45 abs75 15' A.Savoy-Navarro Performance of the "2m" EM barrel Test calorimeter of ATLAS using FERMI prototype readout circuits. 12:00 abs91 15' K.Jacobs Radiation Hardness of GaAs preamplifiers for Liquid Argon Calorimetry at LHC 12:15 abs74 15' O.LeDorst Full VHDL design and realization of a fast digital readout and complete data pr. for LHC calorimeters 12:30 LUNCH Calorimeter integration in large systems (Conv. D.Budagov / Secr. P.Valente) 14:00 invited 40' H.Videau Calorimetry at LEP 14:40 invited 40' S.Magill Calorimetry at ZEUS 15:20 invited 40' Q.Fan Doing Physics with the CDF calorimeters 16:00 invited 40' J.Kotcher Calorimetry at D0 16:40 COFFEE BREAK Final Session (Chair: L.Maiani) 17:10 40' A.Para Conference Summary

Friday 14th

Tour to Lab. Naz. Gran Sasso (optional) 7:30 Bus from Villa Tuscolana 7:40 Bus from Hotel Cacciani Giardina 7:50 Bus from Vialla Campitelli 8:00 Departure From LNF 10:00 Arrival to Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso 10:10 Visit 13:00 Packed Lunch 14:00 Bus Departure to Frascati 16:00 Arrival to Hotels


The Conference proceedings will be published on Frascati Physics Series.
Speakers are asked to bring one copy of their paper at the Conference.
Contributed papers must be sent BEFORE JULY 30TH, 1996 to:

Mrs.Luigina INVIDIA
SIS, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Via E.Fermi, 40 - 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

Length of Contributed papers:

Instructions for camera-ready formatting of contributed papers can be found in postscript template or LaTeX format using the style file .


The Conference WWW home page:
should be referred to for up-to-date information on session schedules, conveners, talks, etc.

LNF Area Map

ROMA Area Map

4 June 1996