Foreword/preface/Organising Committees........ Welcome address by the Italian Minister for University and Scientific and Technological Research (G. Salvini) Welcome Address (N. Cabibbo)To write the proceedings, please use this style .
CP Violation : Machines, Experiments, Theory
Plenary Session
* Status Report on VEPP2M and Phi-Factory at Novosibirsk (A.N. Skrinsky) Status Report on DAFNE (G. Vignola) * Status Report on KLOE (J. Lee-Franzini) Recent Results from CP-LEAR (N. Pavlopoulos) * Status Report on KTEV at FNAL (B. Winstein) Status Report on NA48 at CERN (M. Calvetti) * Measurement of Rare Radiative Decays of the Phi Meson at CEBAF (A. Dzierba) * CP violation : A Theoretical Review (R.D. Peccei) * CP Violation in D Decays (P. Roudeau) Determination of the CKM Matrix from B Decays (A. Ali)Parallel Sessions
* Status Report on B Factories: CESR (K. Berkelman) * Status Report on B Factories: SLAC and BABAR Experiment (R. Aleksan) * KEK B-Factory Project and BELLE Experiment (T. Iijima) CP Violation at Hadronic Machines: HERAB (A. Schwarz) * CP Violation for Pedestrian (H. Lipkin) A Theoretical Appraisal of eps'/eps (G. Martinelli) * CP Violation in the K System with Intense Beams (E. Paschos) * CP Violating Eta --> 2 pi Decay in Different Models of CP Volation (E. Shabalin)
Quantum Mechanics and Time Evolution of the KKbar System
Parallel Sessions
* Q.M. Today and the KKbar System (Y. Srivastava) * Test of Quantum Mechanics at DAFNE and Tests of the EPR paradox (P. Eberhard) EPR Effects without Collapse of the Wavefunction (L. Stodolski) * Test of Q.M. and CPT Violation in the Neutral Kaon System (N. Mavromatos) CP Violation Problem Beyond Approximate Lee-Ohme-Yang Theory (L. Khalfin) On the Concept of the Life Time of Unstable Particles (The Phi Delayed Decay) (J. Bogdanowicz)
Hypernuclei and K-N Interactions
Plenary Session
* Status Report on FINUDA (A. Zenoni) * Hypernuclei: A Theoretical Review (A. Gal) * Theory of Hypernuclear Weak Decay (B.R. Holstein) Present Status of Hypernuclear Studies (T. Yamazaki) The Kaonic Hydrogen Puzzle (C. Guaraldo) * Low energy K-N Scattering with FINUDA (A. Olin)Parallel Sessions
Lambda Decay in Nuclear Matter (A. Molinari) * Non Mesonic Weak Decay of Hypernuclei (A. Ramos) * Non Leptonic Lambda Weak Decay into Light or Medium Hypernuclei (R. Alzetta) * Sigma Hypernuclei (R. Sawafta) Low Energy K-N Interactions, Strangeness Photoproduction on the Nucleon (B. Saghai) * Low Energy K-N Scattering and the Non Relativistic Quark Model (T. Barnes) Relativistic equations for for kaon nucleus interactions (R. C. Barrett) New Kaonic Atom X-Rays Experiment (M. Iwasaki)
Hadronic Physics
Plenary Session
Prospects in Chiral Perturbation Theory (J. Gasser) * Open Problems in Meson Spectroscopy, which could be solved at DAFNE (L. Montanet) * Gamma-Gamma Interactions at DAFNE (A. Courau)Parallel Sessions
Direct experimental information on Mtop (G. Bellettini) * Study of Phi Meson with CMD2. CP and CPT Relevant Problems for Future Phi-Factories (E.P. Solodov) * New Look to ND Data at VEPP-2M. Review of Radiative Decays Studies (V.M. Ivanchenko) * Recent Results from a Precision Measurement of Hadronic Cross Section with CMD2 at VEPP-2M (G.V. Fedotovich) * Results in K Decays from Serpukhov (V. Fliaguine) * Improved evaluation of hadronic contribution to lepton g-2 (S. Dubnicka) How to see the Chiral Structure of QCD Vacuum in Low Energy pi-pi Scattering (J. Stern) * Radiative corrections to pi_l2 K_l2 (M. Finkemeier) * Measurement of the difference of the K0-K0bar forward scattering amplitudes at low momenta with the CP_Lear detector (P. Kokkas) * Do Proofs of Appreciable Phi-Omega Mixing Exist? (N. Achasov)
* QED Running Coupling Constant and DAFNE (G. Altarelli) Experimental Search for Antimatter in the Universe (P. Spillantini) Matter Lifetime (C. Rubbia) Concluding Remarks (L. Maiani) General and Summary Talks
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