The source section contains the input source lines with a line number and, optionally, a file number. The file number indicates the source file (or include file) from which the source line originated. All main file source lines (those that are not from an include file) do not have the file number printed. Each include file has a file number associated with it, and source lines from include files have that file number printed. The file number appears on the left, the line number appears to its right, and the text of the source line is to the right of the line number. XL Fortran numbers lines relative to each file. The source lines and the numbers that are associated with them appear only if the -qsource compiler option is in effect. You can selectively print parts of the source by using the @PROCESS directives SOURCE and NOSOURCE throughout the program.
If the -qsource option is in effect, the error messages are interspersed with the source listing. The error messages that are generated during the compilation process contain the following:
For example:
2 | equivalence (i,j,i) ............................a. a - 1514-092: (E) Same name appears more than once in an equivalence group.
If the -qnosource option is in effect, the error messages are all that appear in the source section, and an error message contains:
For example:
"doc.f", line 6.11: 1513-039 (S) Number of arguments is not permitted for INTRINSIC function abs.