IBM Books

User's Guide

File Names

You can specify file names as either relative (such as file, dir/file, or ../file) or absolute (such as /file or /dir/file). The maximum length of a file name (the full path name) is 1023 characters, even if you only specify a relative path name in the I/O statement. The maximum length of a file name with no path is 255 characters.

You must specify a valid AIX file name in such places as the following:

Related Information: To specify a file whose location depends on an environment variable, you can use the GETENV intrinsic procedure to retrieve the value of the environment variable:
character(100) home, name
call getenv('HOME', value=home) ! Now home = $HOME + blank padding.
! Construct the complete path name and open the file.
name=trim(home) // '/remainder/of/path'
open (unit=10, file=name)

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