User's Guide
The XL Fortran language consists of the following:
- The full American National Standard Fortran 90 language (referred to as
Fortran 90 or F90), defined in the documents American National Standard Programming Language Fortran 90, ANSI X3.198-1992 and Information technology - Programming languages - Fortran, ISO/IEC 1539-1:1991(E). This language has a superset
of the features found in the FORTRAN 77 standard. It adds many more features that are intended to shift more of the tasks of error checking, array processing,
memory allocation, and so on from the programmer to the compiler.
- The full ISO Fortran 95 language standard (referred to as Fortran 95 or
F95), defined in the document Information technology - Programming languages - Fortran - Part
1: Base language, ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997.
- Extensions to the Fortran 95 standard:
- Industry extensions that are found in Fortran products from various
compiler vendors
- Extensions specified in SAA Fortran
In the XL Fortran for AIX Language Reference, extensions to the Fortran 95 language are marked.
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