IBM Books

User's Guide

Appendix C. XL Fortran Internal Limits

Language Feature Limit
Maximum number of iterations performed by DO loops with loop control, with index variable of type INTEGER(n) for n = 1, 2 or 4 (2**31)-1
Maximum number of iterations performed by DO loops with loop control, with index variable of type INTEGER(8) (2**63)-1
Maximum character format field width (2**31)-1
Maximum length of a format specification (2**31)-1
Maximum length of Hollerith and character constant edit descriptors (2**31)-1
Maximum length of a fixed-form statement 6 700
Maximum length of a free-form statement 6 700
Maximum number of continuation lines n/a (1)
Maximum number of nested INCLUDE lines 64
Maximum number of nested interface blocks 1 024
Maximum number of statement numbers in a computed GOTO 999
Maximum number of times a format code can be repeated (2**31)-1
Allowable record numbers and record lengths for input/output files in 32-bit mode The record number can be up to (2**63)-1 if you use Version 4.2 or higher levels of the AIX operating system (which support files larger than 2 GB). The maximum record length is (2**31)-1 bytes.
Allowable record numbers and record lengths for input/output files in 64-bit mode The record number can be up to (2**63)-1 and the record length can be up to (2**63)-1 bytes.

However, for unformatted sequential files, you must use the uwidth=64 run-time option for the record length to be greater than (2**31)-1 and up to (2**63)-1. If you use the default uwidth=32 run-time option, the maximum length of a record in an unformatted sequential file is (2**31)-1 bytes.

Allowable external unit numbers 0 to (2**31)-1 (2)
Maximum numeric format field width 2 000
Maximum number of concurrent open files 2 000 (3)
(1) You can have as many continuation lines as you need to create a statement with a maximum of 6700 bytes.
(2) The value must be representable in an INTEGER(4) object, even if specified by an INTEGER(8) variable.
(3) In practice, this value is somewhat lower because of files that the run-time system may open, such as the preconnected units 0, 5, and 6.

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