User's Guide
This section provides information about the entities that are used in the
compilation unit. It is present if the -qxref or
-qattr compiler option is in effect. Depending on the options
in effect, this section contains all or part of the following information
about the entities that are used in the compilation unit:
- Names of the entities
- Attributes of the entities (if -qattr is in effect).
Attribute information may include any or all of the following details:
- The type
- The class of the name
- The relative address of the name
- Alignment
- Dimensions
- For an array, whether it is allocatable
- Whether it is a pointer, target, or integer pointer
- Whether it is a parameter
- Whether it is volatile
- For a dummy argument, its intent and whether it is optional
- Private, public, module
- Coordinates to indicate where you have defined, referenced, or modified
the entities. If you declared the entity, the coordinates are marked with a $. If you initialized the entity, the coordinates are marked with a *. If you both declared and initialized the entity at the same
place, the coordinates are marked with a &. If the
entity is set, the coordinates are marked with a @. If the
entity is referenced, the coordinates are not marked.
Class is one of the following:
- Automatic
- BSS (uninitialized static internal)
- Common
- Common block
- Construct name
- Controlled (for an allocatable array)
- Controlled automatic (for an automatic object)
- Defined assignment
- Defined operator
- Derived type definition
- Entry
- External subprogram
- Function
- Generic name
- Internal subprogram
- Intrinsic
- Module
- Module function
- Module subroutine
- Namelist
- Pointee
- Private component
- Program
- Reference parameter
- Renames
- Static
- Subroutine
- Use associated
- Value parameter
Type is one of the following:
- Byte
- Character
- Complex
- Derived type
- Integer
- Logical
- Real
If you specify the full suboption with -qxref or -qattr, XL Fortran
reports all entities in the compilation unit. If you do not specify
this suboption, only the entities you actually use appear.
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