User's Guide
XL Fortran Version 6.1 provides the following features:
- The full function of XL Fortran Version 5.1.1
- Support for the full Fortran 95 standard, including the following
items, which are new in Version 6.1:
- Default initialization of derived type components
- User-defined elemental procedures
- Specification functions in specification_expressions
- NULL intrinsic function
- Namelist comments
- Automatic deallocation of allocatable arrays
- SIGN intrinsic function support for -0.0
- Zero-width support for I, B, O, Z, and
F edit descriptors
- WHERE statements and WHERE construct statements nested
within WHERE constructs
- Masked ELSEWHERE statements
- Named WHERE constructs
- generic_spec on END INTERFACE
- -qlanglvl compiler option flagging of items not compliant with
the Fortran 95 standard
- LANGLVL run-time option flagging of items not compliant with the
Fortran 95 standard
- KIND argument for the CEILING and FLOOR
intrinsic functions
- Use of module procedure statements anywhere in generic interface
- Subobject of a constant as a DATA statement repeat count
- Support for the MASK argument as the second argument in
references to the MAXVAL, MINVAL, PRODUCT, and
SUM intrinsic functions, without the MASK= argument keyword,
when the DIM argument is not present
- Use of almost any intrinsic function in
- Printing of the minus sign for negative zero in formatted output and for
negative values that have an output form of zero
- -qxlf90 compiler option, to provide backward compatibility with
Fortran 90 for certain cases
- Support for the following features of the OpenMP Fortran
- PARALLEL region construct
- DO/END DO directives and DO (work-sharing)
- MASTER/END MASTER directives and MASTER construct
- DEFAULT clause in directives
- FIRSTPRIVATE clause in directives
- BARRIER directive
- END PARALLEL DO directive
- omp_get_thread_num service and utility procedure
- omp suboption for the -qsmp compiler option
- Support for the following other items:
- xlf95, xlf95_r, and xlf95_r7 invocation
- -qdpcl compiler option, to generate information for the Dynamic
Probe Class Library API
- New suboptions for the -qtune and -qarch compiler
options, to support the POWER3 and RS64II
- -qinitauto compiler option support for automatic objects
- Updated LPEX editor and Program Builder tools
- Passing of the -I option to cpp
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