_debug_ucalloc - Reserve and Initialize Memory from User Heap


#include <umalloc.h>
void *_debug_ucalloc(Heap_t heap, size_t num, size_t size,
                     const char *file, size_t line);

Language Level: Extension

_debug_ucalloc is the debug version of _ucalloc. Like _ucalloc, it allocates memory from the heap you specify for an array of num elements, each of length size bytes. It then initializes all bits of each element to 0.

In addition, _debug_ucalloc makes an implicit call to _uheap_check, and stores the name of the file file and the line number line where the storage is allocated. This information can be used later by the _uheap_check, _uheap_allocated, or _udump_allocated_delta functions.

To use _debug_ucalloc, you must compile with the debug memory -qheapdebug compiler option. This option maps all _ucalloc calls to _debug_ucalloc.

Note: The -qheapdebug option maps all calls to memory management functions (including heap-specific versions) to their debug counterparts. To prevent a call from being mapped, parenthesize the function name.

_debug_ucalloc works just like _debug_calloc except that you specify the heap to use; _debug_calloc always allocates from the default heap.

If the heap does not have enough memory for the request, _debug_ucalloc calls the getmore_fn that you specified when you created the heap with _ucreate.

To reallocate or free memory allocated with _debug_ucalloc, use the non-heap-specific _debug_realloc and _debug_free. These functions always check what heap the memory was allocated from.

Return Value
returns a pointer to the reserved space. If size or num was specified as zero, or if your getmore_fn cannot provide enough memory, _debug_ucalloc returns NULL. Passing _debug_ucalloc a heap that is not valid results in undefined behavior.

This example creates a user heap and allocates memory from it with _debug_ucalloc. It then attempts to write to memory that was not allocated. When _debug_free is called, _uheap_check detects the error, generates several messages, and stops the program.

Note: You must compile this example with the -qheapdebug option to map the _ucalloc calls to _debug_ucalloc and free to _debug_free.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <umalloc.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
   Heap_t  myheap;
   char    *ptr;
   /* Use default heap as user heap */
   myheap = _udefault(NULL);
   if (NULL == (ptr = (char*)_ucalloc(myheap, 100, 1))) {
      puts("Cannot allocate memory from user heap.");
   memset(ptr, 'x', 105);   /* Overwrites storage that was not allocated */
   return 0;
      The output should be similar to :
      End of allocated object 0x00073890 was overwritten at 0x000738f4.
      The first eight bytes of the memory block (in hex) are: 7878787878787878.
      This memory block was (re)allocated at line number 14 in _debug_ucallo.c.
      Heap state was valid at line 14 of _debug_ucallo.c.
      Memory error detected at line 19 of _debug_ucallo.c.

Debugging Memory Heaps
Memory Management Functions
Managing Memory with Multiple Memory Heaps

Debugging Problems with Heap Memory

-qheapdebug Compiler Option
_debug_calloc - Allocate and Initialize Memory
_debug_free - Free Allocated Memory
_debug_heapmin - Free Unused Memory in the Default Heap
_debug_malloc - Allocate Memory
_debug_memcpy - Copy Bytes
_debug_memmove - Copy Bytes
_debug_memset - Set Bytes to Value
_debug_realloc - Reallocate Memory Block
_debug_strcat - Concatenate Strings
_debug_strcpy - Copy Strings
_debug_strncat - Concatenate Strings
_debug_strncpy - Copy Strings
_debug_strnset - Set Characters in String
_debug_strset - Set Characters in String
_debug_uheapmin - Free Unused Memory in User Heap
_debug_umalloc - Reserve Memory Block from User Heap