/************************************************************************ *
The following example shows code using class
members without the this pointer. The comments on each line show
the equivalent code with the hidden use of the this pointer.
* ************************************************************************/
// This example uses class members without the this pointer. #include <string.h> #include <iostream.h> class X { int len; char *ptr; public: int GetLen() // int GetLen (X* const this) { return len; } // { return this->len; } char * GetPtr() // char * GetPtr (X* const this) { return ptr; } // { return this->ptr; } X& Set(char *); X& Cat(char *); X& Copy(X&); void Print(); };
X& X::Set(char *pc) // X& X::Set(X* const this, char *pc) { len = strlen(pc); // this->len = strlen(pc); ptr = new char[len]; // this->ptr = // new char[this->len]; strcpy(ptr, pc); // strcpy(this->ptr, pc); return *this; }
X& X::Cat(char *pc) // X& X::Cat(X* const this, char *pc) { len += strlen(pc); // this->len += strlen(pc); strcat(ptr,pc); // strcat(this->ptr,pc); return *this; }
X& X::Copy(X& x) // X& X::Copy(X* const this, X& x) { Set(x.GetPtr()); // this->Set(x.GetPtr(&x)); return *this; }
void X::Print() // void X::Print(X* const this) { cout << ptr << endl; // cout << this->ptr << endl; } void main() { X xobj1; xobj1.Set("abcd").Cat("efgh"); // xobj1.Set(&xobj1, "abcd").Cat(&xobj1, "efgh"); xobj1.Print(); // xobj1.Print(&xobj1); X xobj2; xobj2.Copy(xobj1).Cat("ijkl"); // xobj2.Copy(&xobj2, xobj1).Cat(&xobj2, "ijkl"); xobj2.Print(); // xobj2.Print(&xobj2); }
/************************************************************************ *
This example produces the following output:
abcdefgh abcdefghijkl
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