Examples of Errors using Abstract Classes


The following example shows an attempt to create an object of an abstract class type.


class AB             // abstract class
      virtual void f()= 0; // pure virtual member function
class D: public AB
      void f();
// ...
void main ()
      D d;
      d.f() ;     // calls D::f()
      AB ab;      // error, cannot create an object of an
                  // abstract class type


The following example shows an attempt to create an object of a class derived from an abstract class, but that does not redefine the pure virtual function of that abstract class.


For example:

class AB // abstract class
      virtual void f()= 0; // pure virtual member function
class D2: public AB
      int a,b,c;
      void g();
// ...
void main ()
      D2 d;
      // error, cannot declare an object of abstract class D2

To avoid the error in the above example, provide a declaration of D2 ::f().