#line Preprocessor Directive

A preprocessor line control directive supplies line numbers for compiler messages. It causes the compiler to view the line number of the next source line as the specified number.

In order for the compiler to produce meaningful references to line numbers in preprocessed source, the preprocessor inserts #line directives where necessary (for example, at the beginning and after the end of included text).

A file name specification enclosed in double quotation marks can follow the line number. If you specify a file name, the compiler views the next line as part of the specified file. If you do not specify a file name, the compiler views the next line as part of the current source file.

The token sequence on a #line directive is subject to macro replacement. After macro replacement, the resulting character sequence must consist of a decimal constant, optionally followed by a file name enclosed in double quotation marks.

Note: In extended mode, the keyword line is optional. The directive

# line 300

is equivalent to

# 300

The keyword line is required in ansi mode.


Preprocessor Directives

List of Preprocessor Directives