A structure contains an ordered group of data objects. Unlike the elements of an array, the data objects within a structure can have varied types. Each data object within a structure is called a member or field.
Use structures to group logically-related objects. For example, to allocate storage for the components of one address, define the following variables:
int street_no;
char *street_name;
char *city;
char *prov;
char *postal_code;
Declaring a Structure
identifier | Provides a tag name for the structure. If specified, subsequent declarations (in the same scope) of variables using the structure can be made by referring to the tag name. If not specified, you must place all variable definitions that refer to the structure within the declaration of the data type. |
member | The list of members provides the data type with a
description of the values that can be stored in the structure. A member that does not represent a bit field can be of any data type and can have the volatile or const qualifier. If a : (colon) and a constant expression follow the member declarator, the member represents a bit field. Bit fields are described in Declaring and Using Bit Fields in Structures. |
A structure type declaration describes the members that are part of the structure.
Identifiers used as structure or member names can be redefined to represent different objects in the same scope without conflicting. You cannot use the name of a member more than once in a structure type, but you can use the same member name in another structure type that is defined within the same scope.
You cannot declare a structure type that contains itself as a member, but you can declare a structure type that contains a pointer to itself as a member.
Defining a Structure Variable
A structure variable definition contains an optional storage class keyword, the struct
keyword, a structure tag, a declarator, and an optional identifier. The structure tag
indicates the data type of the structure variable.
The keyword struct is optional in C++.
You can declare structures having any storage class. Most compilers, however, treat structures declared with the register storage class specifier as automatic structures.
Initializing Structures
The initializer contains an = (equal sign) followed by a brace-enclosed
comma-separated list of values. You do not have to initialize all members of a structure.
The following definition shows a completely initialized structure:
struct address { int street_no; char *street_name; char *city; char *prov; char *postal_code; }; static struct address perm_address = { 3, "Savona Dr.", "Dundas", "Ontario", "L4B 2A1"};
The values of perm_address are:
Member | Value |
perm_address.street_no | 3 |
perm_address.street_name | address of string "Savona Dr." |
perm_address.city | address of string "Dundas" |
perm_address.prov | address of string "Ontario" |
perm_address.postal_code | address of string "L4B 2A1" |
The following definition shows a partially initialized structure:
struct address { int street_no; char *street_name; char *city; char *prov; char *postal_code; }; struct address temp_address = { 44, "Knyvet Ave.", "Hamilton", "Ontario" };
The values of temp_address are:
Member | Value |
temp_address.street_no | 44 |
temp_address.street_name | address of string "Knyvet Ave." |
temp_address.city | address of string "Hamilton" |
temp_address.prov | address of string "Ontario" |
temp_address.postal_code | value depends on the storage class. |
Note: The initial value of uninitialized structure members like temp_address.postal_code depends on the storage class associated with the member.
Alignment of Structures
Structures are aligned according to the setting of the
compiler option, which specifies the alignment rules the compiler uses when laying out memory storage for structures and unions. The mapping of a structure is based on the alignment setting in effect at the beginning of the structure definition.
Structures and unions with identical members, but using different alignment, are not type compatible and cannot be assigned to each other. Use the extchk compiler option in AIX to check for alignment mismatches, and refer to the attribute section of the compiler listing to find the variables that have different alignment settings.
Your code should not depend on the offset or alignment of members within a structure. Use the offsetof macro, defined in the stddef.h header file, to determine the offset of members in a macro.
Declaring Structure Types and Variables
To define a structure type and a structure variable in one statement, put a
declarator and an optional initializer after the type definition. To specify a storage
class specifier for the variable, you must put the storage class specifier at the
beginning of the statement.
For example:
static struct { int street_no; char *street_name; char *city; char *prov; char *postal_code; } perm_address, temp_address;
Because this example does not name the structure data type, perm_address and temp_address are the only structure variables that will have this data type. Putting an identifier after struct, lets you make additional variable definitions of this data type later in the program.
The structure type (or tag) cannot have the volatile qualifier, but a member or a structure variable can be defined as having the volatile qualifier.
For example:
static struct class1 { char descript[20]; volatile long code; short complete; } volatile file1, file2; struct class1 subfile;
This example qualifies the structures file1 and file2, and the structure member subfile.code as volatile.
Declaring and Using Bit Fields in Structures
A structure can contain bit fields that allow you to access individual
bits. You can use bit fields for data that requires just a few bits of storage. A bit
field declaration contains a type specifier followed by an optional declarator, a colon, a
constant expression, and a semicolon.
The constant expression specifies how many bits the field reserves.
Bit fields with a length of 0 must be unnamed. Unnamed bit fields cannot be referenced or initialized. A zero-width bit field causes the next field to be aligned on the next container boundary, where the container is the same size as the underlying type as the bit field.
The maximum bit-field length is implementation dependent. The maximum bit field length for the compiler is 32 bits (4 bytes, or 1 word).
For portability, do not use bit fields greater than 32 bits in size.
The following restrictions apply to bit fields. You cannot:
In C, you can declare a bit field as type int, signed int, or unsigned int. Bit fields of the type int are equivalent to those of type unsigned int.
The default integer type for a bit field is unsigned. Use the bitfields=signed option to change this default.
In extended mode C, bit fields can be any integral type. For example,
struct S { short x : 4; long y : 10; char z : 7; } s;
Non-integral bit fields in extended mode C are converted to type unsigned int and a warning is issued. In other modes, the use of non-integral bit fields results in an error.
In ansi mode C, bit fields of type unsigned char or unsigned short are changed to unsigned int. An unsigned short bit field occupies 32 bits.
A bit field cannot have the volatile or const qualifier.
The following structure has three bit-field members kingdom, phylum, and genus, occupying 12, 6, and 2 bits respectively:
struct taxonomy { int kingdom : 12; int phylum : 6; int genus : 2; };
Alignment of Bit Fields in Structures
Bit fields are word-aligned but packed as closely as
possible into the current word. The first bit field in a sequence of bit fields starts on
a word boundary. For example, a structure containing only bit fields is word-aligned, but
after the first bit field, the bit fields themselves do not have to begin on word
Unlike ANSI/ISO C, C++ bit fields can be any integral
type or enumeration type. When you assign a value that is out of range to a bit field, the
low-order bit pattern is preserved and the appropriate bits are assigned.
If a series of bit fields does not add up to the size of an int, padding can take place. The amount of padding is determined by the alignment characteristics of the members of the structure. Bit fields cannot cross word boundaries but are forced to start at the next word boundary. Alignment of structures is described in .
The following example declares the identifier kitchen to be of type struct on_off:
struct on_off { unsigned light : 1; unsigned toaster : 1; int count; /* 4 bytes */ unsigned ac : 4; unsigned : 4; unsigned clock : 1; unsigned : 0; unsigned flag : 1; } kitchen ;
The structure kitchen contains eight members totalling 16 bytes. The following table describes the storage that each member occupies:
Member Name | Storage Occupied |
light | 1 bit |
toaster | 1 bit |
(padding, 30 bits) | to next int boundary |
count | the size of an int |
ac | 4 bits |
(unnamed field) | 4 bits |
clock | 1 bit |
(padding, 23 bits) | to next int boundary (unnamed field) |
flag | 1 bit |
(padding, 31 bits) | to next int boundary |
All references to structure fields must be fully qualified. For instance, you cannot reference the second field by toaster. You must reference this field by kitchen.toaster.
The following expression sets the light field to 1:
kitchen.light = 1;
When you assign to a bit field a value that is out of its range, the bit pattern is preserved and the appropriate bits are assigned. The following expression sets the toaster field of the kitchen structure to 0 because only the least significant bit is assigned to the toaster field:
kitchen.toaster = 2;
Bit Fields under the align Compiler Option
Bit fields are also subject to the align
compiler option.
The default alignment in AIX, for example, is align=power. When it is in effect, bit fields are aligned as described in Alignment of Bit Fields in Structures. Bit fields have the following alignment properties under the twobyte and packed suboptions in AIX.
twobyte | Bit fields are packed into a word and are aligned on a
halfword boundary. Bit fields cannot cross word boundaries but are forced to start at the
next halfword boundary even if they start on a halfword boundary. A bit field with a width of 0 (zero) forces the next member to start at the next halfword boundary even if it is not a bit field and even if the zero-width bit field is already at a halfword boundary. A structure containing nothing but zero-width bit fields has a length equal to twice the number of zero-width bit fields.
#pragma options align=twobyte struct species { char a; int : 0; int b : 4; int c : 18; /* 8 + 8 + 2 bits */ }; The following figure shows the layout of species. The shaded areas are padding. Bit field b starts on a halfword boundary because of the unnamed zero-width int bit field. It occupies the first 4 bits of the third byte (byte 2 in the figure.) Because bit field c is larger than 2 bytes, it cannot cross the word boundary between bytes 3 and 4, but is forced to start at byte 4. It occupies bytes 4 and 5 (the first two bytes of the second word) and 2 bits of byte 6. |
packed | Bit fields are packed into a 1 byte space. Bit fields that
cross byte boundaries are forced to start at the next available byte boundary. A bit field with a width of 0 (zero) forces the next member to start at the next byte boundary. If the zero-width bit field is already at a byte boundary, the next structure member starts there. A non-bit field member following a bit field is aligned on the next byte boundary.
#pragma options align=packed struct order { char a; int b : 10; int c : 12; int d : 6; int : 0; int e : 1; char f; }; The following figure shows the layout of order. The shaded areas are padding. Because bit field c is longer than 1 byte and cannot straddle the boundary between bytes 2 and 3, it must start at byte 3. Likewise, field d cannot cross the byte boundary between bytes 4 and 5; it is forced to start at byte 5. The zero-width bit field between field d and field e forces bit field e to start at byte 6. |
Incomplete Types
Structure and Union Member Specification
Examples of Structure Declaration and Use