It is sometimes necessary for the compiler to create temporary objects. They are used during reference initialization and during evaluation of expressions including standard type conversions, argument passing, function returns, and evaluation of the throw expression.
When a temporary object is created to initialize a reference variable, the name of the temporary object has the same scope as that of the reference variable. When a temporary object is created during the evaluation of an expression, it exists until there is a break in the flow of control of the program.
If a temporary object is created for a class with constructors, the compiler calls the appropriate (matching) constructor to create the temporary object.
When a temporary object is destroyed and a destructor exists, the compiler calls the destructor to destroy the temporary object. When you exit from the scope in which the temporary object was created, it is destroyed. If a reference is bound to a temporary object, the temporary object is destroyed when the reference passes out of scope unless it is destroyed earlier by a break in the flow of control. For example, a temporary object created by a constructor initializer for a reference member is destroyed on leaving the constructor.
Use the /Wgnr option to flag the points where temporary objects are generated.
Initializing References
Using Exception Handling