An object is a region of storage that contains a value or group of values. Each value can be accessed using its identifier or a more complex expression that refers to the object. In addition, each object has a unique data type. Both the identifier and data type of an object are established in the object declaration.
The data type of an object determines the initial storage allocation for that object and the interpretation of the values during subsequent access. It is also used in any type-checking operations.
C++ has built-in, or standard, data types and user-defined data types. Standard data types include signed and unsigned integers, floating-point numbers , and characters. User-defined types include enumerations, structures, unions, and classes.
In C++ code, objects are represented by variables. A variable also represents the location in storage that contains the value of an object.
An instance of a class type is commonly called a class
object. The individual class members are also called objects.
The set of all member objects comprises a class object.