Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-flag - - x x


-Wprogram, options 

Passes the listed options to the designated compiler program.

program can be:

program Description
a Assembler
b Compiler back end
c Compiler front end
I Interprocedural Analysis tool
l linkage editor
p compiler preprocessor


When used in the configuration file, the -W option accepts the escape sequence backslash comma (\,) to represent a comma in the parameter string.

To compile myprogram.c so that the option -pg is passed to the linkage editor (l) and the assembler (a), enter:

xlC myprogram.c -Wl:a, -pg

In a configuration file, use the \, sequence to represent the comma (,).


List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults
Options that Specify Compiler Characteristics