
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption See below. - x x


    -qstrict_induction | -qstrict_induc | -qnostrict_induction -qnostrict_induc
Setting -qstrict_induction disables loop induction variable optimizations that have the potential to alter the semantics of your program. Such optimizations can change the result of a program if truncation or sign extension of a loop induction variable should occur as a result of variable
overflow or wrap-around.

This option affects only loops which have an induction (loop counter) variable declared as a different size than a register. The most probable incidence of such a situation will likely involve
using 32-bit loop counters (int or unsigned int) when compiling in 64-bit mode. Unless you intend
such variables to overflow or wrap around, use -qnostrict_induction.

Using -qstrict_induction can cause considerable performance degradation. However, the option
may be useful for debugging a program sensitive to variable overflow or wrap-around.


Compiler Modes

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults
strict Compiler Option