
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption nortti -   x


    -qrtti=option | -qnortti 

Use this option to generate run-time type identification (RTTI) information for the typeid operator and the dynamic_cast operator.

For best run-time performance, suppresses RTTI information generation with the default -qnortti setting.

The C++ language offers a (RTTI) mechanism for determining the class of an object at run time. It consists of two operators:

A type_info class describes the RTTI available and defines the type returned by the typeid operator.

Suboptions are:

all The compiler generates the information needed for the RTTI typeid and dynamic_cast operators.
type | typeinfo The compiler generates the information needed for the RTTI typeid operator, but the information needed for dynamic_cast operator is not generated.
dyna | dynamiccast The compiler generates the information needed for the RTTI dynamic_cast operator, but the information needed for typeid operator is not generated.

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults