
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption maxmem=2048 - x x



Limits the amount of memory used for local tables of specific, memory-intensive optimizations to size kilobytes. If that memory is insufficient for a particular optimization, the scope of the optimization is reduced.


The default is -qmaxmem=2048, which specifies a default memory size.

Depending on the source file being compiled, the size of the subprograms in the source, the machine configuration, and the workload on the system, setting the limit too high might lead to page-space exhaustion. In particular, specifying -qmaxmem=-1 allows the compiler to try and use an infinite amount of storage, which in the worst case can exhaust the resources of even the most well-equipped machine.

To compile myprogram.c so that the memory specified for local table is 4096 kilobytes, enter:

xlC myprogram.c -qmaxmem=4096

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults
Options that Define the Compiler Object Code Produced