
Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption nogenpcomp - x x


    -qgenpcomp | -qgenpcomp=directory | -qnogenpcomp 

Generates a precompiled version of any header file for which the original source file is used. This may help improve compile time when you use the -qusepcomp option.


-qgenpcomp Generates a precompiled header file called csetc.pch, and saves it to the current directory.
-qgenpcomp=directory Generates a precompiled header file.
  • If directory is the name of an existing directory, the precompiled header file is named csetc.pch and saved to that named directory.
  • If a directory with the name directory does not exist, the precompiled header file is named directory, and is saved to the current directory.
-qnogenpcomp Does not generate precompiled header files.

-qgenpcomp and -qusepcomp will be ignored if they are both specified along with the -a or -ae options. Without the -qusepcomp option, -qgenpcomp is accepted in all cases.

To compile myprogram.c and generate a precompiled header file for any files that have changed since the last compilation, or for any files that do not have precompiled header files, and then place them in the directory /headers, enter:

xlC myprogram.c -qgenpcomp=/headers

The new precompiled header is called csetc.pch.

Creating and Using Precompiled Header Files

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults