datalocal, dataimported

Option Type Default Value #pragma options C C++
-qoption dataimported DATALOCal, DATAIMPorted x  


    -qdatalocal | -qdatalocal=names 
    -qdataimported | -qdataimported=names 

Mark data as local or imported.


Local variables are statically bound with the functions that use them. -qdatalocal changes the default to assume that all variables are local. -qdatalocal=names marks the named variables as local, where names is a list of identifiers separated by colons (:). The default is not changed. Performance may decrease if an imported variable is assumed to be local.
Imported variables are dynamically bound with a shared portion of a library. -qdataimported changes the default to assume that all variables are imported. -qdataimported=names marks the named variables as imported, where names is a list of identifiers separated by colons (:). The default is not changed.

Conflicts among the data-marking options are resolved in the following manner:

Options that list variable names The last explicit specification for a particular variable name is used.
Options that change the default This form does not specify a name list. The last option specified is the default for variables not explicitly listed in the name-list form.

List of Compiler Options and Their Defaults
Options that Define the Compiler Object Code Produced