Creating and Naming a C Source File

A C program source is a collection of one or more text source files written in the C programming language, each of which can contain all or part of the functions that make up a C program. The individual source files are compiled into object modules which can then be linked together to create an executable program. You can use any text editor to create and edit a source file.

File-Naming Conventions
A file name can be up to 256 characters. (Longer names are truncated on the right.) The file name can contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, underscores, periods, and other characters. The AIX Version 4 Operating System distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters.

By convention, C source files end with a .c filename extension, for example,


The characters & | ; ( ) < > ? / * ' ~ have special meaning in the AIX system. To use them in a file name, you must place them inside quotation marks so that the shell does not interpret them. For example:


C Program Development Cycle
Internal Structure of a C Program
External Structure of a C Program

Writing Optimized Program Source Code

Source Program Character Set
Reserved Keywords
ASCII Character Set