Preliminary Programme
Open Session, Aula Touschek:
Status of Experimental Program
09:35 KLOE: Status of data taking and analysis (S. Giovannella)
10:20 FINUDA: Data-taking plans and status of analysis (M. Bertani)
11:05 Coffee break
11:30 Report from SPARC (M. Ferrario)
12:00 Report from OPERA (M. Spinetti)
12:30 Discussion
12:45 Session adjourns Lunch
Open Session, Aula Touschek:
Future of DAFNE
14:00 Director’s overview (M. Calvetti)
14:15 Status of the DAFNE2 project (C. Biscari)
14:50 Status of the LINAC2 project (C. Vaccarezza)
15:25 KLOE physics at DAFNE2 (C. Bloise)
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 FINUDA physics at DAFNE2 (A. Feliciello)
16:55 Measurement of nucleon form factors with DAFNE2 (M. Mirazita)
17:30 From kaonic atoms to kaonic nuclei with DAFNE2 (C. Curceanu, J. Zmeskal)
18:05 Discussion
18:30 Session adjourns