In order to preserve time for discussion, all speakers are kindly requested to observe the time limits for their presentations.
09:00 DAFNE: Status and plans (C. Milardi, 20’+10’) [pdf]
09:30 KLOE: Analysis report (M. Testa, 20’+10’) [ppt]
10:00 KLOE-2: Proposal, plans, and upgrade status (F. Bossi, 20’+10’) [ppt]
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 SIDDHARTA: Status report (J. Zmeskal, 20'+10') [ppt]
11:30 AMADEUS: Status report (C. Curceanu, O. Vazquez Doce, 20'+10') [ppt]
12:00 FINUDA: Analysis and results (V. Lucherini, 20’+10’) [ppt]
12:30 Adjourn for lunch
13:30 Summary of particle physics at LNF (R. De Sangro, 20’+10’) [pdf]
14:00 Summary of astroparticle physics at LNF (F. Terranova, 20’+10’) [ppt]
14:30 Summary of nuclear physics at LNF (P. Di Nezza, 20’+10’) [ppt]
15:00 SPARC: Status and plans (M. Ferrario, 20’+10’) [ppt]
15:30 SPARC-X: Plans (L. Palumbo, 20’+10') [pdf]
16:00 Open session adjourns
18:30 Cocktail at LNF Bar - All participants invited