"According to the 24th article of the INFN Statute it's consisted the Scientific Committee with the task of providing opinions and formulate proposals to the Director about the scientific lines of the Laboratory itself and about the experiment to follow through the Structure, in the scope of the general scientific programmation expressed by the Directive Council, in relationship to the availability of resources as well."
LNF Scientific Committee members
Ursula Bassler (Chair) | CERN | First mandate ends on 17/05/2025 |
Paola Gianotti (Director) | INFN-LNF | ex-officio |
Gianluigi Arduini | CERN, Genève | First mandate ends on 22/07/2027 |
Hans-Heinrich Braun | PSI, Zurich | Second mandate ends on 30/06/2026 |
Nadia Pastrone | Sezione INFN Torino | First mandate ends on 17/05/2025 |
Josè Ramòn Pelàez Sagredo | UCM, Madrid | First mandate ends on 26/11/2027 |
Andreas Ringwald | DESY, Hamburg | First mandate ends on 28/04/2026 |
LNF Scientific Committee observers
Roberto Tenchini | CSN1 Particle Physics |
Oliviero Cremonesi | CSN2 Astroparticle Physics |
Paolo Giubellino | CSN3 Nuclear Physics |
Giuseppe Degrassi | CSN4 Theoretical Physics |
Alberto Quaranta | CSN5 Technological Physics |
Sandra Malvezzi | INFN Executive Committee Delegate |
Gemma Costa | Scientific Secretary |
Directorate Secretariat | Organizational Secretary |