Minutes of Third TARI USP Meeting on May 28, 2010
Participants: Antonella Balerna, Fabio Bossi, Paolo Calvani, Catia Conti, Catalina Curceanu, Daniela Ferrucci, Carlo Guaraldo, Calogero Natoli, Pantaleo Raimondi
The Agenda of the Meeting is attached (Attachment n.1)
1. Opening of the USP meeting (C. Guaraldo, on behalf of Chairman Paul Kienle)
C. Guaraldo opened the Third USP meeting on behalf of the Chairman P.Kienle, who was already in Italy, but could not travel until Frascati, due to a sudden problem of health.
C. Guaraldo welcomed the DAFNE-Light presence in the Call for the first time, with two proposals, with the funds of the Integrating Activity ELISA. The Panel will examine the DAFNE-L proposals together with those of the hadron physics and BTF.
2. Status of the Transnational Access to LNF (C. Guaraldo, Access Manager)
According to the Access Manager, the status of transnational access to LNF requires some adjustments.
Firstly, there is the problem of man*days assigned but not used.
In the first two Calls have been assigned, respectively, 976 m*d in the First Call and 930 m*d in the Second Call, for a total of 1906 m*days. Out of these, only 1243 m*d were used, so that the left days amount to 663 m*d an enormous number, wich requires corrections from the management.
The second consideration is that 1906 m*d in two calls means an average assignment of 950 m*d/Call, which is well above the average assignment foreseen in the Contract. In fact, in the multi-annual implementation plan of LNF reported in the Annex I of the Grant Agreement, the access offered by LNF over the whole duration of the contract (3 years) is 3750 m*d. The funds received by EC refer to this figure.
Consequently, the average admissible rate/Call is 750 m*d/Call well below the actual race.
On these considerations must be based the assignment in the Third Call.
3. Status of DAFNE (P.Raimondi, G. Mazzitelli)
Pantaleo Raimondi gave a comprehensive report concerning the KLOE roll-in and the operations performed on DAFNE in parallel.
Giovanni Mazzitelli was asked by the acting Chairman to prepare a short written report that you find in attachment (Attachment n.2)
4. Examination and selection of proposals for Hadron Physics (USP)
Proposal No. 14 by J.Marton, “Kaonic atoms and Kaonic nuclear systems”.
In total we attribute to proposal No. 14 for this call 175 days and 13 trips for the access to LNF.
Proposal No. 15 by F. Sirghi, “Kaonic atoms/nuclei research at Dafne-Siddharta/Amadeus”
In total we attribute to proposal No. 15 for this call 310 days and 6 trips.
5. Examination and selection of Proposals for BTF (USP)
Proposal No. 16 by W.Wagner “Crystals Undulator for Electrons and Positrons”.
In total we attribute to proposal No. 16 for this call 246 days and 31 trips.
Proposal No. 17 by Y. Chesnokov “Deflection of sub-Gev energy beam by channeling and reflection in very short crystals”
In total we attribute to proposal No. 16 for this call 42 days and 2 trips.
6. Examination and selection of Proposals for Dafne-L in Elisa Contract (USP)
Proposal No. 1 by A. Huczko, “IR Spectroscopy of novel SiC nanostructures”.
In total we attribute to proposal No. 1 for this call 20 days and 2 trips.
Proposal No. 2 by A. Popov, “Vibrational studies of LaPO4 nanoparticles in mid and far IR domain”.
In total we attribute to proposal No. 2 for this call 20 days and 2 trips.
7. Conclusions
We had a very efficient and well organized TARI USP meeting and we totally assigned 773 days and 52 trips for the access of HadronPhysics2 Contract and 40 days and 4 trips for the access of ELISA Contract proposals.
8. A.O.B.
The next TARI USP meeting is scheduled on Friday, November 19 in Frascati